[Qgis-community-team] line breaks in rst-tables

Larissa Junek junek at gbd-consult.de
Fri May 10 03:37:25 PDT 2013

Hi all,

we use simple tables in the qgis user manual. how can we force rst to
make line breaks in a table? In the user manual so far line breaks
sometimes work and sometimes don't. What exactly should I consider so
that rst makes a line break?
Here's the table structure:

============ =========== =========== ================================
Menu option  Shortcut    Reference   Toolbar
============ =========== =========== ================================
text         text        text        text text text text text text
============ =========== =========== ================================

E.g. in the text in Toolbar should be inserted a line break which
appears in the output documents like HTML and PDF.

Kind regards,

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