[Qgis-community-team] [Qgis-psc] Fwd: [QGIS-Developer] Documentation writing
delazj at gmail.com
Tue Sep 25 03:01:38 PDT 2018
Hi all (sorry for the cross-posting but it's because the call was made if
I'm not wrong on all the three channels)
Thanks to those that already applied and happy to see that Documentation
repo will likely be lively in upcoming weeks.
If that can help to attract more people, these are some of the main areas I
feel the documentation is far behind (or the features I think would be
worth describing in priority in official manuals - not sorted):
* 3D formats and features: up to now no word has been written about
although I think this could be an attractive feature
* the user profiles behavior: another big change on the settings philosophy
that impact everybody and would deserve some literature
* the processing system and particularly "graphical modeler": The
algorithms, and particularly native ones, are well covered, But the
Processing options and more important the modelers are less behind imho
* the QGIS Server: can't really tell how the doc is in this area but there
are a lot of pending issues in the repo
* the print layout reporting
* attribute table and custom forms/widgets
* unfortunately as usual, the PyQGIS doc ...
* ... and the data source manager dialog (particularly some of the tabs at
the bottom of the dialog)
* and of course, any other area you think you know better...
Some ideas for those willing to apply and write docs.
Hope that helps,
Le mer. 19 sept. 2018 à 11:27, Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> a
écrit :
> One more:
> Frank Sokolic <sokolic at worldonline.co.za> <sokolic at worldonline.co.za>
> * I am interested in updating grammar and writing style as I am a native English speaker
> * I can take responsibility for any part of the documentation that you allocate to me
> * I am available for 20 hours to help with documentation.
> Il 09/19/2018 09:31 AM, Régis Haubourg ha scritto:
> Hi all,
> Paul Blottiere is also available to work on QGIS server documentation.
> Best regards
> Régis
> On 19/09/2018 07:26, Paolo Cavallini wrote:
> Hi all,
> this is what we have for now:
> Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com> <tim at kartoza.com>
> available to do general documentation writing and English review of
> submitted documentation
> Tudor barascu <tudorbarascu at yahoo.com> <tudorbarascu at yahoo.com>
> available to write and review documentation.
> At first I would like to focus and finish whatever is left from the
> server side
> matteo <matteo.ghetta at gmail.com> <matteo.ghetta at gmail.com>
> Both write and review.
> Yves Jacolin <yjacolin at free.fr> <yjacolin at free.fr>
> review some PR
> Alexandre Neto <senhor.neto at gmail.com> <senhor.neto at gmail.com>
> some surgical interventions instead and some reviews when possible
> David Forel <davidforel at yahoo.com> <davidforel at yahoo.com>
> I am open to reviewing anyone's English text
> Not much in effect. Let's wait a few days and then we can start budgeting
> and assigning tasks.
> All the best.
> -------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
> Oggetto: [QGIS-Developer] Documentation writing
> Data: Mon, 17 Sep 2018 11:30:26 +0200
> Mittente: Paolo Cavallini <cavallini at faunalia.it> <cavallini at faunalia.it>
> A: qgis-developer <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>
> <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>
> Hi all,
> as you know, next LTR (3.4) is coming soon. Its documentation is lagging
> behind, so the PSC decided to invest in updating it. Those of you who
> are interested in writing it please reply to this message stating;
> * which part of documentation you are interested in updating
> * if you can take the responsibility for completing it, or if it's just
> for a part of it
> * for how many hours (approx) you are available.
> This will allow us to correctly budget this task. We welcome anyone, and
> will give priority to those who already wrote substantial parts of the
> current docs.
> All the best, and thanks.
> --
> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.euQGIS.ORG Chair:http://planet.qgis.org/planet/user/28/tag/qgis%20board/
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> Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.euQGIS.ORG Chair:http://planet.qgis.org/planet/user/28/tag/qgis%20board/
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