[Qgis-developer] configure error

Kirk R. Wythers kwythers at umn.edu
Thu Jun 8 13:44:53 EDT 2006

Thanks for the reply Tom. I added --with-qtdir=/usr/local/Trolltech/ 
Qt-4.1.3 to my configure script. Which now reads:

./autogen.sh --prefix=/Volumes/disk1/home1/kwythers/src/ 
qgis_stable_07 --with-\
qtdir=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.1.3 --with-projdir=/usr/local --with- 
=/usr/local --with-grass=/usr/local/grass-6.1.cvs

However, I'm still getting the same error:

./configure: line 19937: syntax error near unexpected token `QT,'
./configure: line 19937: `    PKG_CHECK_MODULES(QT, QtCore QtGui  
Qt3Support QtNetwork QtXml QtSvg QtTest >= $QT_MIN_VER)'

I checked my system and I don't seem to have pkg-config, or pkgconfig  
or pkg_config. When you say "added earlier this year", added to what?  
Should I add this to my machines? And if I do, do you think that is  
the problem, or should have the --with-qtdir to the config script  
taken care of it.

Thanks again,


On Jun 8, 2006, at 10:45 AM, Tom Elwertowski wrote:

> Kirk,
> This might have something to do with using (or not using) pkg- 
> config, which was added earlier this year to help certain *nix  
> distributions find Qt4.  Since this change, I have needed to add  
> the following item to QGIS's configure:
> --with-qtdir=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.1.3
> Although pkg-config works on a Mac for *nix libraries, it doesn't  
> understand frameworks and Qt is built as a framework rather than a  
> traditional library by default. Consequently, pkg-config can't find  
> it.
> Also, when you get past this, you will need to edit $QTDIR/lib/ 
> libQtTest.la and remove or comment the line beginning
> dependency_libs=
> Tom
> Kirk R. Wythers wrote:
>> I am trying to compile the unstable head on OS X. I'm getting a  
>> configure error.
>> checking for X... libraries /usr/X11R6/lib, headers /usr/X11R6/ 
>> include
>> ./configure: line 19937: syntax error near unexpected token `QT,'
>> ./configure: line 19937: `    PKG_CHECK_MODULES(QT, QtCore QtGui  
>> Qt3Support QtNetwork QtXml QtSvg QtTest >= $QT_MIN_VER)'
>> I just build and installed qt4 and set up my environment as such:
>> ###################################
>> # Qt4 environment
>> ###################################
>> QTDIR=/Developer/qt-mac-opensource-src-4.1.3
>> PATH=/usr/local/Trolltech/Qt-4.1.3/bin:$PATH
>> Anyone see what I missed?
>> Thanks

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