[Qgis-developer] bug count

Stephan Holl holl at gdf-hannover.de
Mon Jun 12 09:59:56 EDT 2006

Hello qgis devs,

On Mon, 12 Jun 2006 15:46:42 +0200 humarco
<marco.hugentobler at karto.baug.ethz.ch> wrote:

> Hi Paolo and qgis devs,
> The qgis developer activity is usually low in (north) summer,
> probably even lower during soccer championship :-)  
> Personally i would prefer to have a RC1 pretty soon. What about
> setting a date for RC1 (e.g. just before the summer holyday time in
> July) and make a release candidate even if there are some bugs left
> by this date? After all, the RC is not the release...

Let me jump in here as well. Since Otto and me have made some sort of
improvements to the manual, we would like to encurage every dev looking
into the current SVN-manual (perhaps between 2 soccer matches ;-)

My intention is to make every dev to have a look at their
implemented part and check if the stuff described in the manual is

I have worked on the GRASS-integration and added mostly all new
GRASS-related features.

What I recall now is that the new legend is not described at all. If
you could provide some details on usage I am happy to add
text/screeners to the manual.

Best regards


GDF Hannover - Solutions for spatial data analysis and remote sensing
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