[Qgis-developer] Quantum GIS Windows *extra* binaries

marco.pasetti at alice.it marco.pasetti at alice.it
Mon Apr 21 10:53:48 EDT 2008

Hi all,
I decided to slightly delay my QGIS windows package, since I'm releasing GRASS 6.3.0, and there is enough time to put it into quantum QGIS 0.10.0
About QGIS windows package: I saw that in the previous releases made by Tisham, the QGIS root contained some *extra* binaries, such as gdal*.exe... could someone tell me exactly what files do we need? in the following lines I list all the binaries in my /usr/local/bin MSYS folder. Please, tell me what to add to QGIS package:
XMLTester.exe    gdal_contour.exe    gdaltransform.exe  nad2bin.exe    ras2tiff.exe   tiffcp.exe
bison.exe        gdal_grid.exe       gdalwarp.exe       nad2nad.exe    raw2tiff.exe   tiffdither.exe
bmp2tiff.exe     gdal_rasterize.exe  geod.exe           nearblack.exe  rgb2ycbcr.exe  tiffdump.exe
cs2cs.exe        gdal_translate.exe  gif2tiff.exe       ogr2ogr.exe    thumbnail.exe  tiffinfo.exe
fax2ps.exe       gdaladdo.exe        gsl-histogram.exe  ogrinfo.exe    tiff2bw.exe    tiffmedian.exe
fax2tiff.exe     gdalenhance.exe     gsl-randist.exe    ogrtindex.exe  tiff2pdf.exe   tiffset.exe
fftw-wisdom.exe  gdalinfo.exe        invgeod.exe        pal2rgb.exe    tiff2ps.exe    tiffsplit.exe
flex++.exe       gdalmanage.exe      invproj.exe        ppm2tiff.exe   tiff2rgba.exe
flex.exe         gdaltindex.exe      m4.exe             proj.exe       tiffcmp.exe
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