[Qgis-developer] Re: bug in overview map
Vincent Schut
schut at sarvision.nl
Mon Dec 8 05:19:33 EST 2008
Tim Sutton wrote:
> Hi
> On Thu, 2008-12-04 at 10:57 +0100, Vincent Schut wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm using (and testing) gqis from svn trunk, and I think I've found a
>> bug with the overview map. If I switch on a vector (point) layer in the
>> legend which has a larger extent than the overview map currently shows,
>> but which has not been added to the overview, the overview map still
>> zooms out to the extent of that point layer. Imho this is a bug, but to
>> be sure: is this intended?
> Afaik this is a 'feature' the canvas always renders to the full combined
> extents of of all layers, regardless of which layers are rendered on the
> overview.
Then might I suggest making this feature configureable (after 1.0 of
course)? I understand the feature, but in some use cases the current
behaviour can be very annoying. Let me give an example:
I'm currently working on some vector editing stuff in Borneo, which is
one of the larger Indonesian islands. For that, I use lots of extra
informational layers, both raster and vector. Some of these span a
larger extent than just Borneo, like administrative boundaries
(Indonesia) or fire hotspots (entire South-East asia). Which means, that
once I switch on e.g. the fire hotspots, my overview map zooms out to an
area as large as entire south-east asia, and Borneo becomes just a
little tiny island in a large grey sea on the overview map. This renders
the overview map virtually useless, because I'd like to see where I am
zoomed to on Borneo. However, when Borneo becomes a mere couple of
pixels with a small red square on it, it really doesn't give me any
useful information of where I exactly am inside Borneo.
> Regards
> Tim
>> Regards,
>> Vincent.
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