[Qgis-developer] SoC Report: Homerange analyses in QGIS

Anne Ghisla a.ghisla at studenti.uninsubria.it
Wed Jul 23 12:02:36 EDT 2008

Hi all,

first of all, sorry for delay in posting the weekly report! I noticed
only today that I missed reporting last week's update. 

I worked on refactorisation and fought against segfaults.
The two Python files have been pasted together into plugin.py, with
improved compactness. Some other changes are leading the analysis to
independence of my installation's details.
The segfault was caused by a type mismatch. The call to R in:


was receiving a QString instead a Python string. I fixed it with proper
formatting of file variable before using it.

In these two days I'll go on cleaning the code. I hope to have a
full-running plugin at the end of next week. Then, testing on various
platforms will be precious (especially Mac).

Happy coding,


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