[Qgis-developer] Wrote a FindByAttribute python plugin

Michaël Douchin michael.douchin at laposte.net
Fri Mar 7 03:01:57 EST 2008

The best thing to do : BACKUP your data before any non trusted action. 
This way, no worries to have !

Martin says we have no ressources for checking each plugin.. Why not 
organize a "week of test" for each new python plugin before "allowing" 
it to be avaible for download in the repository. I think we are enough 
people in this mailing list to quickly check each plugin ?
Am I dreaming or does it sound realistic ?

Martin Dobias a écrit :
> On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 9:30 PM, David A. Riggs <david.a.riggs at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 28, 2008 at 7:41 AM, Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com> wrote:
>>  >
>>  >  Here's the plugin repository located:
>>  >  http://pyqgis.spatialserver.net/
>>  >
>>  >  You can register and upload the plugin there. There are also packaging
>>  >  guidelines how to create the package for your plugin.
>>  >
>>  Do these plugins go through any sort of inspection or quality control
>>  before being "accepted" to the plugin repository?
>>  Can I be sure that installing FooPlugin from the official plugin
>>  repository won't eat all my data, kick my cat, and then leave the
>>  toilet seat up (or at least not blow up at runtime)?
> Yes, those python plugins can do everything you've written above and
> even more scary things. We don't have resources to check the plugins
> (and check their updated versions etc.) You either trust the author
> and install the plugin or you don't...
>>  Does it make sense to either display a "caveat emptor" message, or to
>>  make the official repository contain only tested and polished plugins?
> It makes sense to put there a caution when installing new plugins that
> the plugins can make you harm. Feel free to add a ticket for this
> enhancement in Trac.
> Regards
> Martin
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