[Qgis-developer] ideas for developpers

Carson Farmer cfarmer at uvic.ca
Thu May 22 12:28:56 EDT 2008

Nice work Mauricio,

I had started this plugin as well, but I think I'll scrap mine in favour 
of yours. When you are done, let me know if you'd like to put it up on 
my repository. I"ve set it up as a place for plugins not yet ready for 
the main repository, but are in full working order....



Mauricio de Paulo wrote:
> Ok, since i had an argue with my postgis' join clause because of incorrectly 
> uploaded columns' name (please take a look at it SPIT maintainer), i'm 
> currently writing the join by attribute as a python plugin. It WON'T be as 
> good as the postgis' join, but i'm trying to use python map to make it not 
> too slow. When i finish i'm going to post the results.
> Maurício de Paulo
> On Thursday 15 May 2008 16:09:05 Sebastien Vial wrote:
>> Hi all
>> First many thanks to Carson for those amazing plugins... specially for the
>> manageR !!
>> (perhaps I should write those ideas on some page in the wiki... but where
>> ?)
>> And now, some ideas :
>> * for plugin developpers with time : (I'm a gis teacher, but with no time
>> and no python capacities... I'm trying to discover this interesting
>> programming language)
>> - join by attribute : join all the objets with the same attributes (the
>> opposite of the split by attributes) ; used to merge some polygons with the
>> same value in a column attribute
>> - simplify vector layer according to the scale ; there exists a python
>> script - in the gdal package for python- whose name is simplify.py that
>> does it... and a postgis script
>> http://www.bostongis.com/postgis_simplify.snippet
>> * Wouldn't it be interesting to organize (at least a little) the plugin
>> menu ? mine begins to be very... large ! For exemple, we could organize
>> like - vector objects oriented plugins
>> - database oriented plugins
>> - raster oriented
>> - import/export
>> - selecting
>> - statistics...
>> * and about the plugin manager : adding a column to know the installed
>> version of the plugin (like some linux package manager), in order to
>> compare the version number, and to know if the plugin needs to be
>> re-installed --- and perhaps a warning when there is a new version of a
>> plugin
>> Many thanks in advance !!
>> I'm writing docs on qgis use (and the plugins !!)  for my students, but
>> there will be in FRENCH !!!
>> Seb
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