[Qgis-developer] Installer update - more repositories needed! ;)
Tim Sutton
tim at linfiniti.com
Tue Sep 9 16:34:17 EDT 2008
Hi Borys
I installed your plugin installer - I discovered that I needed to
restart QGIS before it appeared, after which it is working great! Are
you happy for us to replace the one in QGIS source tree now with it?
As soon as we get your plugin into the source tree we can start
feature freeze. Are you able to provide a patch for QGIS that
incorporates your plugin? If not could a pythonista out there help
with this?
2008/9/9 Borys Jurgiel <borys at wolf.most.org.pl>:
> Hi lists,
> I've just updated the Installer in my repo. There are major changes below.
> 1. It's compatible with both 0.x and 1.x QGIS now.
> 2. By default, it uses the main repository. User can click the "add 3rd party
> repositories" button and after accepting warning message, he gets more
> repositories.
> 3. The Installer uses DIFFERENT repositories for QGIS 0.x and 1.x. The
> alternative solution was to mix old and new plugins in one repository and
> determine the min/max qgis version in metadata. I've chosen the former, as
> it's much more reliable and clear I think.
> 4. Only repositories compatible with currently used QGIS version are used. If
> one repository has two "instances" (containing old-api plugins and new-api
> plugins), always the matching one is choosen by correcting the QSettings. If
> one repository (saved in QSettings) is mismatching and has no
> proper "analog", it's disabled (but automatically enabled after publishing
> the analog). So upgrading from 0.11 to 1.0 will automatically change the used
> repository list.
> 5. At the moment, our "official" repository is enabled in both QGIS 0.x and
> 1.x, my repository has two instances [1][2], while Barry's, Carson's and
> Paolo's repositories are enabled in QGIS 0.x and disabled in 1.x
> It will be great if every repository would be provided in two instances.
> I hope I'm undestandable and Installer's behaviour is clear.
> Regards,
> B.
> PS. I've renamed menu item and window titles from "QGIS Plugin Installer"
> to "QGIS Python Plugin Installer". It's related to the earlier
> discussion "Python plugins and C++ plugins: using different terms".
> [1] my repo with new-api plugins: www.bwj.aster.net.pl/qgis/plugins.xml
> [2] my repo with old-api plugins: www.bwj.aster.net.pl/qgis/plugins-oldapi.xml
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Tim Sutton - QGIS Project Steering Committee Member (Release Manager)
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