[Qgis-developer] Help needed in creating Third Level Submenu

Bishwarup Banerjee bishwarup.banerjee at gmail.com
Wed Aug 5 02:14:25 EDT 2009

Dear German,

Thank you very much for clearing my understanding. Now  I am able to do What
I was looking for, with slight modifications in the code.

Thank you very much once again.
Bye and take care

2009/8/5 Germán Carrillo <carrillo.german at gmail.com>

> Bishwarup, you can use addActions in your self.DM object because it is an
> instance of QMenu, which inherits from QWidget. While your self.Div1 is an
> instance of QAction which doesn't inherits from QWidget, so self.Div1 can't
> access to addActions method.
> Take a look at this: http://doc.qtsoftware.com/4.5/classes.html
> Germán
> El 4 de agosto de 2009 00:14, Bishwarup Banerjee <
> bishwarup.banerjee at gmail.com> escribió:
> Hi German,
>> Thank you very much for your reply. I will try to incorporate the way you
>> suggested. But, I thing I was wondering is that if "addActions" does not
>> inherits from QAction, then how is that when I go to only second level of
>> submenu option, instead of thrird level, it works fine. The problem arises
>> only when we go to the third level.
>> With warm Regards,
>> Bishwarup
>> 2009/8/3 Germán Carrillo <carrillo.german at gmail.com>
>> Hi Bishwarup, the addActions method is in QWidget class, and QAction don't
>>> inherited from that. So addActions don't exist for QAction. Maybe you can
>>> use QtDesigner to create the menu level you want and then generate the .py
>>> with pyuirc4, this way you can see how to create it.
>>> Why you don't use the last QGis version?
>>> Germán
>>> 2009/8/3 Bishwarup Banerjee <bishwarup.banerjee at gmail.com>
>>>> Dear All,
>>>> I am trying to create THIRD LEVEL MENU  through the following code. Like
>>>> I have a menu Called "Boundaries", inside that I have sub menu called
>>>> "Division", inside that I have "Division_name", inside "Division Name" we
>>>> have a separate sub menu called "Division Range", on clicking on the sub
>>>> menu "Division range" some action is done, like opening the range boundary
>>>> shape file. I am able to open the Shape file portion, but I am getting error
>>>> in the Bold Line marked as "AttributeError: addActions"
>>>>         self.menu = QMenu()
>>>>         self.menu.setTitle( "Boundaries" )
>>>>         self.DM = QMenu( "Division" )
>>>>         self.Div1 = QAction( QIcon( ":/icons/find.png" ), "Division
>>>> Name",self.iface.getMainWindow() )
>>>>         self.DM.addActions( [ self.Div1])
>>>>         self.menu.addMenu( self.DM )
>>>>         menuBar = self.iface.getMainWindow().menuBar()
>>>>         menuBar.addMenu(self.menu)
>>>>         self.Div_Range = QAction( QIcon( ":/icons/find.png" ), "Division
>>>> Range",self.iface.getMainWindow() )
>>>>         *self.Div1.addActions( [ self.Div_Range])*
>>>>         self.menu.addMenu( self.Div_Range )
>>>>         menuBar = self.iface.getMainWindow().menuBar()
>>>>         menuBar.addMenu(self.menu)
>>>>         QObject.connect( self.Div_Range, SIGNAL("triggered()"),
>>>> self.Div1_Clicked )
>>>> It will be of immense help, if anybody can point the error in the code,
>>>> or is it like THIRD LEVEL SUBMENU is not supported in QGIS?
>>>> I am using QGIS 0.11, Python 2.5 and QT.
>>>> I am posting the same in the QGIS Developer forum
>>>> Thanking you in advance,
>>>> With Warm Regards
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