[Qgis-developer] QGIS-Trunk Python-Path error?

Düster Horst Horst.Duester at bd.so.ch
Wed May 13 08:17:30 EDT 2009

I just installed QGIS-trunk -r10777 from svn. With ccmake I made the following settings: 
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX: /usr/local/qgis_devel 
Compilation and installation process works fine. But when I start QGIS with  
I get the following error message: 
ImportError: /usr/local/qgis/share/qgis/python/qgis/core.so:  
undefined symbol: _ZN16QgsDataSourceURI13setDataSourceERK7QStringS2_S2_S2_ 
I seems that QGIS points to the wrong directory for connecting the python bindings. The error path is  the path to a second QGIS 1.0.1 installation.  
I remember, that this error occours when two independent qgis installations exists and BINDINGS_GLOBAL_INSTALL is set ton on. 
What is the mistake?? 
Dr. Horst Düster 
GIS-Koordinator, Stv. Amtschef 
Kanton Solothurn 
Bau- und Justizdepartement 
Amt für Geoinformation 
SO!GIS Koordination 
Rötistrasse 4 
CH-4501 Solothurn 
Telefon ++41(0)32 627 25 32 
Telefax ++41(0)32 627 22 14 
mailto:horst.duester at bd.so.ch 

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