[Qgis-developer] WMS tileset support

Noli Sicad nsicad at gmail.com
Fri Jul 16 22:28:07 EDT 2010

I think Tile Cache Support in QGIS is not yet fully implemented

See this summer of code.

It is meeting in this Third QGIS Hackfest in Pisa 2010 ---support for
WMS-C tilesets,

      Third QGIS Hackfest in Pisa 2010
      22 Mar 2010 ... Added WMS-C support to WMS provider, support for
WMS-C tilesets, several      WMS selection improvements. Improved
SOS-Plugin and extended ...


On 7/17/10, Jeremy Palmer <JPalmer at linz.govt.nz> wrote:
> Ok thanks. I looked at Geoserver's built in GWC, but I couldn't seem to get
> QGIS to work with it. I tried these URLs:
> http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/service/wmts?REQUEST=getcapabilities
> http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/service/wms?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=getcapabilities&TILED=true
> and neither of them had the VendorSpecificCapabilities/TileSet tag.
> I also tried the TMS service Capabilities but I could get that working:
> http://localhost:8080/geoserver/gwc/service/tms/1.0.0
> it gave an error saying "Unknown layer 1.0.0. Check the logfiles, it may not
> have loaded properly".
> If it's the TMS service I need for tile set support in QGIS then I may need
> to follow this up with either the Geoserver or the GWC guys, because I don't
> understand what is wrong here.
> Cheers,
> Jeremy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Noli Sicad [mailto:nsicad at gmail.com]
> Sent: Saturday, 17 July 2010 2:05 p.m.
> To: Jeremy Palmer
> Cc: qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] WMS tileset support
> Correction.
> GeoWebCache as the map tile server.
> Noli
> On 7/17/10, Noli Sicad <nsicad at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jeremy,
>> I think GeoStack has this function - Map tile server
>> "The "geostack" consists of the following functional parts:
>> ..
>> ..
>> Map tile server that can store pre-rendered map tiles and serve them
>> up quickly to make maps seems to draw faster. Examples include ArcGIS
>> Server, MapGuide, Tilecache, GeoWebCache"
>> http://workshops.opengeo.org/stack-intro/introduction.html
>> Noli
>> On 7/17/10, Jeremy Palmer <JPalmer at linz.govt.nz> wrote:
>>> I'm trialling the use of Geoserver for serving up images to QGIS clients.
>>> I
>>> can get WMS to work well. However I was wondering about the QGIS support
>>> for
>>> tile sets. As far as I can see in the QGIS WMS proveder source code, tile
>>> sets are supported if there is a VendorSpecificCapabilities/TileSet tag
>>> in
>>> the get capability request.
>>> Does any know if you can get Geoserver (or any other open source web
>>> mapping
>>> service) to provider this capability?
>>> Thanks,
>>> Jeremy Palmer
>>> Geodetic Surveyor
>>> National Geodetic Office
>>> Land Information New Zealand | Toitu te whenua
>>> 160 Lambton Quay | Private Box 5501 | Wellington 6145
>>> DDI: 64 (0)4 498 3537 | Fax: 64 (0)4 498 3837 |
>>> www.linz.govt.nz<http://www.linz.govt.nz>
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