[Qgis-developer] Using RendererV2 crashes (Py)Qgis

Martin Dobias wonder.sk at gmail.com
Mon May 17 17:57:14 EDT 2010

Hi Marcelo

On Sat, May 15, 2010 at 6:01 AM, Marcelo Reyes <reyesmarcelo at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm using a QgsRenderV2 in order to change the default circles marker to
> triangles. I follow the example in the wiki
> http://www.qgis.org/wiki/Symbology-NG but when I try to assing a QgsRenderV2
> to a layer, or to setUsingRenderV2 to True, the applications crashes. What I
> do is:
> - create a vector layer from a spatialite table
> - create a renderV2 ( Random Render from the wiki)
> - use myLayer.setRendererV2(miRender)
> thats all. It crashes.
> It is a python standalone application. The crash happens when I try to use
> the zoom, or any other maptool. I'm using QGis enceladus, in windows XP. Is
> there a solution for this? Is this a known bug? or am I doing something
> wrong?

Please try again with development version of QGIS. If I recall
correctly, there were few problems - they're fixed in development
version (will be 1.5).


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