[Qgis-developer] QGIS 1.7.0, crash with new labeling system
golubev at nordcomp.ru
Thu Sep 22 07:51:23 EDT 2011
DebugView shows nothing, but i got call stack from VS debugger:
Line 139 + 0xa bytes C++
QtGuid4.dll!QFontMetricsF::height() Line 1200 + 0xa bytes C++
qgis_core.dll!QgsPalLabeling::drawLabel(pal::LabelPosition *
label=0x04f86958, QPainter * painter=0x00adbff8, const QFont & f={...},
const QColor & c={...}, const QgsMapToPixel * xform=0x04ac1af8, double
bufferSize=1.0000000000000000, const QColor & bufferColor={...}, bool
drawBuffer=true) Line 1250 + 0x31 bytes C++
qgis_core.dll!QgsPalLabeling::drawLabeling(QgsRenderContext &
context={...}) Line 1104 C++
qgis_core.dll!QgsMapRenderer::render(QPainter *
painter=0x00adbff8) Line 612 + 0x24 bytes C++
qgis_gui.dll!QgsMapCanvasMap::render() Line 83 + 0x19 bytes C++
qgis_gui.dll!QgsMapCanvas::refresh() Line 389 C++
qgis.exe!QgisApp::labeling() Line 3356 + 0x11 bytes C++
_c=InvokeMetaMethod, int _id=155, void * * _a=0x00adc568) Line 522 +
0x8 bytes C++
QtCored4.dll!QMetaObject::metacall(QObject * object=0x0366a310,
QMetaObject::Call cl=InvokeMetaMethod, int idx=186, void * *
argv=0x00adc568) Line 238 C++
QtCored4.dll!QMetaObject::activate(QObject * sender=0x0367a988,
const QMetaObject * m=0x65d35960, int local_signal_index=1, void * *
argv=0x00adc568) Line 3278 + 0x27 bytes C++
QtGuid4.dll!QAction::triggered(bool _t1=false) Line 263 + 0x15
bytes C++
QtGuid4.dll!QAction::activate(QAction::ActionEvent event=Trigger)
Line 1259 C++
QtGuid4.dll!QAction::trigger() Line 218 + 0x11 bytes C++
QtGuid4.dll!QToolButton::nextCheckState() Line 1148 C++
QtGuid4.dll!QAbstractButtonPrivate::click() Line 529 C++
QtGuid4.dll!QAbstractButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *
e=0x00adcf30) Line 1122 C++
QtGuid4.dll!QToolButton::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *
e=0x00adcf30) Line 722 C++
QtGuid4.dll!QWidget::event(QEvent * event=0x00adcf30) Line
8296 C++
QtGuid4.dll!QAbstractButton::event(QEvent * e=0x00adcf30) Line
1081 C++
QtGuid4.dll!QToolButton::event(QEvent * event=0x00adcf30) Line
1164 C++
QtGuid4.dll!QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject *
receiver=0x0370eee0, QEvent * e=0x00adcf30) Line 4481 + 0x11 bytes C++
QtGuid4.dll!QApplication::notify(QObject * receiver=0x0370eee0,
QEvent * e=0x00adcf30) Line 4042 + 0x2f bytes C++
qgis_core.dll!QgsApplication::notify(QObject *
receiver=0x0370eee0, QEvent * event=0x00adcf30) Line 118 + 0x13
bytes C++
QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject *
receiver=0x0370eee0, QEvent * event=0x00adcf30) Line 787 + 0x15
bytes C++
QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplication::sendSpontaneousEvent(QObject *
receiver=0x0370eee0, QEvent * event=0x00adcf30) Line 218 + 0x38
bytes C++
QtGuid4.dll!QApplicationPrivate::sendMouseEvent(QWidget *
receiver=0x0370eee0, QMouseEvent * event=0x00adcf30, QWidget *
alienWidget=0x0370eee0, QWidget * nativeWidget=0x0366a310, QWidget * *
buttonDown=0x65d3724c, QPointer<QWidget> & lastMouseReceiver={...}, bool
spontaneous=true) Line 3139 + 0xe bytes C++
QtGuid4.dll!QETWidget::translateMouseEvent(const tagMSG &
msg={...}) Line 3321 + 0x2a bytes C++
QtGuid4.dll!QtWndProc(HWND__ * hwnd=0x00890c96, unsigned int
message=514, unsigned int wParam=0, long lParam=3212506) Line 1659 +
0xc bytes C++
[Frames below may be incorrect and/or missing, no symbols loaded
for user32.dll]
22.09.2011 14:03, Ramon Andiñach пишет:
> Then I'm afraid I'm out of my depth, and you'll have wait for one of the more experienced folk.
> A passing thought; I've had problems with the new symbology + print manager when it took exception to one polygon in my shape file (for no apparent reason). This showed up in DebugView, and Andreas spotted it for me. If you ran DebugView while playing with the new labels, it might tell you what was wrong a little more precisely. (or you could add bits of the log here, and that would help someone tell you what was wrong).
> -ramon.
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