[Qgis-developer] Sextante: saga does not run

Victor Olaya volayaf at gmail.com
Mon Apr 16 10:03:36 EDT 2012


I fixed that. The checking I do is to try to execute saga_cmd without
parameters and see if the response is the saga help screen or the
console complaining about not finding that command. but I was not
correctly checking the output of the saga_cmd (mispelled "-----"
instead of "___")

It is still a simple mechanism, but should work for now, and that at
least guarantees that SAGA is installed before letting the user run
anything. I created a similar thing for the R bindings



El día 16 de abril de 2012 10:32, Victor Olaya <volayaf at gmail.com> escribió:
> Paolo
> That is just something that I added to automatically test if SAGA is
> installed, so it does not let you execute a SAGA algorithm if SAGA is
> not installed. Clearly, it is not working, since it is obvious that
> you have SAGA installed...
> Let me work on it a bit more, because I am not sure that it is a good
> idea... I am just thinking about how to make the configuration of
> external applications easier, while being robust at the same time
> Regarding the SAGA error, that is not a problem, do not worry about
> that, you are just missing a library on the command line, because taht
> library just contain interactive modules that cannot be run on the
> console. It is a SAGa issue, but it should not bother you
> regards
> El día 16 de abril de 2012 10:25, Paolo Cavallini
> <cavallini at faunalia.it> escribió:
>> StartFragmentHi all.
>> Just upgraded from svn, to test your fixes, now I get:
>> It seems that SAGA is not correctly installed in your system.
>> Please install it before running SAGA algorithms.
>> No options are available to add the path to saga, so I'm stuck.
>> In fact, starting saga_cmd returns a couple of errors:
>> error: module library
>> ...
>> error: Library does not contain executable modules [librecreations_games.so]
>> ...
>> 59 SAGA Module Libraries
>> Should I wait for the next release of the plugin before keeping on testing,
>> or can I go on with trunk?
>> All the best, and thanks.
>> --
>> Paolo Cavallini
>> See: http://www.faunalia.it/pc
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