[Qgis-developer] more advanced editing tools

Larry Shaffer larrys at dakotacarto.com
Mon Dec 3 02:07:57 PST 2012

Hi Bernhard,

On Mon, Dec 3, 2012 at 12:49 AM, Bernhard Ströbl
<bernhard.stroebl at jena.de> wrote:
> Hi Larry,
> this is even better than what I had in mind! I like the red pencil
> indicating the dirty status of the layer. Many thanks for that. However I
> would change the tooltip to "Save edits in all layers" because as it is now
> we have "Save all edits" vs. "Save edits" which might puzzle users: Does the
> latter one not save all edits?

Yes, I see the ambiguity now. Thanks for the feedback!

I swapped out the text and tips with "Save Edits for All Layers":

Another convenience set of actions would be "Revert Edits" and "Revert
Edits for All Layers" (or possibly "Rollback" ?). Currently a user has
to turn off editing to get the option to not save the edits (e.g.
revert or rollback), but then has to turn it right back on to start
over. I find a use for "Revert Edits for All Layers" when I am editing
a bunch of labels or features across multiple layers, but don't like
the results, and want to quickly start over without reopening the
project or toggling editing for every layer (which also means
dismissing every dialog then toggling it back on).

If adding the revert functions, it might be best to consolidate the
save and revert functions into one toolbar button with a popup menu.



> Bernhard
> Am 02.12.2012 02:03, schrieb Larry Shaffer:
>> Hi Bernhard,
>> On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 2:23 AM, Bernhard Ströbl
>> <bernhard.stroebl at jena.de>  wrote:
>>> Hi Angelos,
>>> I agree that some 2 to 5 tools should go into cadTools. What we have
>>> until
>>> now:
>>> - parallel move of polygon side (IMHO CAD-like function)
>>> - split feature with selected feature from another theme (general
>>> digitizing
>>> function)
>>> - cut out from feature with selected polygon from another theme (general
>>> digitizing function)
>>> - continue editing an exisitng line (general digitizing function)
>>> - save all layers being in editing mode in one go (general digitizing
>>> function)
>> This was added here [0], but only for layers that have unsaved edits.
>> Also, a red pencil legend layer icon was added to indicate when a
>> layer has unsaved edits. Let me know if you have any comments on or
>> suggestions for their implementation.
>> The 'Save All Edits' functionality will be added to the project close
>> notification, when layers are found to have unsaved edits (currently
>> just shows some red text that can be overlooked).
>> [0]
>> https://github.com/qgis/Quantum-GIS/compare/45a933a4569b...293e49438e4b
>> Regards,
>> Larry
>>> - fill hole(s) in polygon feature (general digitizing function)
>>> - fill spaces between polygons (general digitizing function)
>>> - avoid intersection when copying/pasting polygons (reported bug)
>>> - split lines with points (IMHO fTools)
>>> - prolong a line, i.e. move its endpoint in the direction of the last
>>> segment (CAD-like function)
>>> from a users point of view it would be nice to have everything related to
>>> digitizing in one plugin on the other hand users probably do not expect
>>> the
>>> functions I marked as "general digitizing" in a plugin called cadTools.
>>> Bernhard
>>> Am 29.11.2012 19:48, schrieb Angelos Tzotsos:
>>>> Hi Bernhard,
>>>> I agree that some editing ideas are not strictly CAD but we have to
>>>> think the end user and where the tools are expected to be found more
>>>> easily. Also the number of new tools are important. For 2-5 new tools,
>>>> extending cadTools would be more appropriate than a new plugin.
>>>> Angelos
>>>> On 11/29/2012 06:36 PM, Bernhard Ströbl wrote:
>>>>> Angelos,
>>>>> would you see this functionality rather in cadTools or in a new plugin?
>>>>> Bernhard
>>>>> Am 29.11.2012 17:28, schrieb Angelos Tzotsos:
>>>>>> On 11/29/2012 02:35 PM, Bernhard Ströbl wrote:
>>>>>>> Dear list,
>>>>>>> during a course I realized that my institution needs some more
>>>>>>> editing
>>>>>>> tools for advanced editing tasks e.g.
>>>>>>> - prolong a line
>>>>>>> - cut polygon with feature (line or polygon) from another layer
>>>>>>> - save all layers being in editing mode in one go
>>>>>>> - some more
>>>>>>> A little background: when digitizing data we are not starting from
>>>>>>> scratch but are digitzing on existing data in many different layers
>>>>>>> (parcels, restricted areas ...). A new polygon normally needs to fit
>>>>>>> into these existing boundaries. Trying to digitize along existing
>>>>>>> boundaries of several layers and snapping to them is cumbersome and
>>>>>>> you are very likely missing snapping nodes (even when using trace
>>>>>>> digitize plugin).
>>>>>>> Is any of you aware of similar functions in a plugin (I know
>>>>>>> cadTools)? Is anyone interested in joining me to create such tools as
>>>>>>> a Python plugin? Which functions would you like to have?
>>>>>>> regards
>>>>>>> Bernhard
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>>>>>> Hi Bernhard,
>>>>>> Excellent timing, I was thinking about creating a new functionality
>>>>>> that
>>>>>> I need for a parcel digitization project.
>>>>>> One tool I have in mind is parallel moving of a side of a polygon in
>>>>>> order to achieve a specific area for the polygon (and at the same time
>>>>>> maintain topological integrity with near polygons.
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Angelos
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