[Qgis-developer] Vector Layer Generalization

Evgeniy Pashentsev ugnpaul at gmail.com
Sat May 26 06:32:51 PDT 2012

2012/5/26 Tyler Mitchell <info at locatepress.com>

> Good description of  a reasonable approach Brent!  At one point, for a
> certain dataset, I was able to calculate a pretty reliable (e.g. still made
> valid features)  ratio of simplification threshold based on map scale.  I
> don't have the data anymore, but it was almost like an LOD level of detail
> approach.
> With that in mind, I'd like to see what one could do with LOD approach in
> OpenGL with map data - probably blows away our best little hacks ;-)  Never
> got to that yet :)

I think implementing exactly this approach is my second task
through the summer. Don't know what to do with OpenGL there
though. But we will see. Anyway now I know who to ask about
simplification thresholds calculation :)

And thank you all for your answers!
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