[Qgis-developer] String freeze and call for final translation updates

Alister Hood Alister.Hood at synergine.com
Sun May 27 14:49:13 PDT 2012

Sorry I'm late to the party,

> Date: Sun, 27 May 2012 19:48:09 +0100
> From: Giovanni Manghi <giovanni.manghi at faunalia.pt>
> To: Tim Sutton <lists at linfiniti.com>
> Cc: qgis-developer <qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org>
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-developer] String freeze and call for final
> 	translation updates
> Message-ID: <1338144489.2370.28.camel at sibirica>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"
> > There is currently one blocker left in the queue[1] before we can
> > release 1.8. At this time we would like to declare a total string
> > freeze on QGIS 1.8 and call for final translations. Assuming the last
> > bug gets squashed this week,
> I confirm that there are not other known regressions.
> cheers
> -- Giovanni --

Maybe you wouldn't technically classify it as a regression, but if I remember correctly, the list of "Recently used" CRSs is a new feature in 1.8, and a fairly serious bug has been introduced with it:

If it came down to the choice, personally I think it would be better to revert the new feature than to leave it in with the bug.


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