[Qgis-developer] more advanced editing tools

Bernhard Ströbl bernhard.stroebl at jena.de
Thu Nov 29 07:59:48 PST 2012

Hi Leyan,

I know "avoid intersection" and it works ok but having several layers as 
digitizing base and creating a new polygon it is not very handy (open 
menu untick what is ticked, tick what you need now, digitize the 
polygon). It seems more straight-forward (especially from a user's point 
of view) to copy a polygon from a base layer (e.g. parcels) into your 
edit layer, select a polygon/line in another layer, activate your edit 
layer again and click on a "clip" button. More convenient would be 
Giovannis "fill space" option.
Regarding cadTools I would expect CAD-like functions in there, i.e. 
construction things, clipping, saving all layers etc. do IMHO not really 
fit to CAD.

Are there any other editTools around?


Am 29.11.2012 15:50, schrieb Leyan:
> Regarding the workflow you described at the end, do you know about
> "avoiding intersection" ?
> http://darrencope.com/2011/10/19/qgis-topological-editing/
> This is much easier to use than snapping points, and it works across
> different layers.
> Regarding the more advanced digitization features, I think the best
> would be to improve CAD tools instead of creating yet another plugin
> that people will not find. I agree that these features are important.
> One I would like is to see the distance and angle directly during
> digitizing, while you enter a line.
> Regards,
> Leyan
> On 11/29/2012 08:35 PM, Bernhard Ströbl wrote:
>> Dear list,
>> during a course I realized that my institution needs some more editing
>> tools for advanced editing tasks e.g.
>> - prolong a line
>> - cut polygon with feature (line or polygon) from another layer
>> - save all layers being in editing mode in one go
>> - some more
>> A little background: when digitizing data we are not starting from
>> scratch but are digitzing on existing data in many different layers
>> (parcels, restricted areas ...). A new polygon normally needs to fit
>> into these existing boundaries. Trying to digitize along existing
>> boundaries of several layers and snapping to them is cumbersome and
>> you are very likely missing snapping nodes (even when using trace
>> digitize plugin).
>> Is any of you aware of similar functions in a plugin (I know
>> cadTools)? Is anyone interested in joining me to create such tools as
>> a Python plugin? Which functions would you like to have?
>> regards
>> Bernhard
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Bernhard Ströbl
Anwendungsbetreuer GIS

Kommunale Immobilien Jena
Am Anger 26
07743 Jena

Tel.: 03641 49- 5190
E-Mail: bernhard.stroebl at jena.de
Internet: www.kij.de

Kommunale Immobilien Jena
Eigenbetrieb der Stadt Jena
Werkleiter: Dr. Götz Blankenburg

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