[Qgis-developer] Dev plugin for master

Stott James fmrojst at fylkesmannen.no
Wed Jun 26 05:36:46 PDT 2013

I had quite a few problems getting my plugin to be 2.0 compatible in the plugin installer.

I found that I had ‘authorName’ in my metadata.txt file, not ‘author’. I believe you also need ‘email’ filled in too.

I would check the metadata.txt file and make sure it’s the same as the example online here:


Fra: qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org [mailto:qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] På vegne av Denis Rouzaud
Sendt: 26. juni 2013 14:30
Til: Marco Bernasocchi
Kopi: qgis-developer
Emne: Re: [Qgis-developer] Dev plugin for master

You are correct, you need to set qgisMinimumVersion to 2.0

How old is your master version?
Things have changed quickly last weeks...

On 06/26/2013 02:26 PM, Marco Bernasocchi wrote:

mmmm IIRC 2.0 was mentioned to be hardcoded temporarily in plugin manager by Boris. I definitely have a plugin with minVersion=2.0

the warning is different as well IIRC. maybe something else? like sipV1 vs sip v2? (speculation)

Marco Bernasocchi (mobile)
On Jun 26, 2013 2:19 PM, "Werner Macho" <werner.macho at gmail.com<mailto:werner.macho at gmail.com>> wrote:
There is no 2.0 version right now ..
IIRC minimum version right now (to be able to use it in master) should be 1.9)

hope this solves your problem

kind regards

On Wed, Jun 26, 2013 at 2:01 PM, PIERRE Sylvain <sylvain.pierre at cg67.fr<mailto:sylvain.pierre at cg67.fr>> wrote:

I’m trying to develop a small plugin for master.
I have set qgisMinimumVersion to 2.0 and stored the plugin in .qgis2\python\plugins but running  Qgis does :
This plugin is incompatible with this version of QGIS
Plugin designed for QGIS 1.x


Installed version: ? (in C:/Users/sylvain.pierre/.qgis2/python/plugins/ThemeManager)

What should be the solution?


→  Sylvain PIERRE
         Ingénieur Géographe
         Adjoint au chef du service
         Direction de l’Agriculture, de l’Espace Rural et de l’Environnement
         Service Administration Générale
       Conseil Général du Bas-Rhin


         Passerelle 67
         20 rue Livio / 67000 Strasbourg
         Tél : +33 3 88 76 68 88 – mobile :
         Fax : 03 88 76 68 71
         Email : sylvain.pierre at cg67.fr<http://www.bas-rhin.fr/>


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