[Qgis-developer] New OpenStreetMap integration

Mathieu Pellerin nirvn.asia at gmail.com
Sun Mar 3 22:07:36 PST 2013

Martin, the InitSpatialMetadat() error is gone, and things are working
quite nicely.

For the record, this new OSM support fixed a very irritating bug from the
old implementation: closed way roundabouts are imported as lines! Big bonus.

Playing around with it, I was wondering whether - for the sake of offering
a better user experience - the import topology from XML and export topology
to spatialite  should be merged into one action. Realistically, my guess is
very few QGIS users will want to _only_ do an import to topology step.
Merging both into one would simplify things for the average Joe.

In that regard, it might also be good to offer (via a checkbox?) to
automatically load the resulting spatialite line / polygon db into the
active project.

Beyond that, it's working like a charm.


On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 2:25 PM, Martin Dobias <wonder.sk at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Mar 1, 2013 at 5:45 AM, Mathieu Pellerin <nirvn.asia at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > Martin,
> >
> > Nice, glad the OSM download/import support is being worked on.
> >
> > I've just tried to import two OSM files: one which I had saved through
> > and the other one downloaded just now via your Download OSM Data
> dialogue.
> > With both files, QGIS fails to import data with this error:
> >
> > Failed to import OSM data:
> >
> > Error executing SQL command:
> >
> > wrong number of arguments to function InitSpatialMetadata()
> >
> > SQL:
> >
> > SELECT InitSpatialMetadata('WGS84')
> That's presumably the problem Borys had - should be fixed in master now.
> Martin
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