[Qgis-developer] New SEXTANTE modeler interface

jr.morreale at enoreth.net jr.morreale at enoreth.net
Tue May 7 02:40:01 PDT 2013

Hi Victor,

I'm testing 1.1, could you tell me how to switch the modeler to the 
advanced GUI in the modeler ?

The smaller boxes are good, showing directly the edit/del functions is 
also a good thing but now I found the arrows to more difficul to read as 
they often pass behind the boxes and go left to right.

Would it be possible to avoid the modeler's windows getting a 
unswitchable focus ? Sometime I would like to get back to the main to 
check a simple thing like the name of a column without closing the 
modeler, open it back and reload the model.


Le 2013-04-24 07:55, Victor Olaya a écrit :
> Hey guys,
> I have made some changes to the interface of the modeler, taking into
> account a couple of suggestions from Tim and Andreas (thanks!). Not a
> big change, but I guess it's a nice usability improvement.
> Before starting rewriting the corresponding part in the manual and
> making new screenshots, I would appreciate if those of you that use
> SEXTANTE could have a quick look and give me your opinion.
> Thanks in advance!
> Víctor

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