[Qgis-developer] QGIS and 3D
Vincent Picavet
vincent.ml at oslandia.com
Fri Jan 24 05:23:05 PST 2014
Hello Giuliano,
As for now, there is no support for 3D in QGIS, be it for visualization, or
If you want to have some 3D features for your GIS you can :
* use qgis2threejs to visualize layers on top of a MNT with a WebGL browser
* Use the 3D features of grass through QGIS
* Use latest PostGIS versions, which allow you to manipulate 3D objects.
PostGIS + SFCGAL lets you do some computations on 3D objects with SQL. You can
send SQL commands from within QGIS. See this video for an example and
visualization of 3D objects with Horao (QGIS plugin to view PostGIS 3D
objects) :
There will probably be at some point an effort to support 3D objects in the low
level QGIS code, and Marco already worked a bit on it I think. But this is a
heavy-lifting task and a lot more work and funding are needed. Maybe Marco can
elaborate a bit more on this.
Le vendredi 24 janvier 2014 12:46:55, giulianc51 a écrit :
> hi all,
> I'm new to the QGIS;
> I like to explore the capabilities of QGIS towards 3D performances,
> I intend vector 3D;
> I think of:
> - visualization (orthogonal, axonometric and perspective views)
> - sections (along with any plane, canonic or skew)
> - volume and surface calculation
> and so on;
> I know that these operations are already possibile with raster layers
> and I did'nt intend to propose a flame for the primality of vector
> and/or raster;
> I think only to analyze and eventually build some tools for managing 3D
> models, leaving to the user the choice of vector / raster selection;
> I think that the possibility of managing, georeferencing and analyse
> point clouds from laserscanner, sfm, etc, could be an interesting
> chance;
> From that point of view I'm curious of the presence in the QGIS API of
> some features 3D: Line3D, Point3D, QgsTINInterpolator, Vector3D;
> because I dont know the C/C++ and I can't see the original
> documentation, where can I find some documentation in pythonish mode
> (the pyqgis cookbook doesnt treat that subject) ? Which are the
> development purposes about 3D?
> sorry for my bad english, thanks in advance, best regards,
> giuliano curti
> melegnano, milano, italia
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