[Qgis-developer] Opinion on plugin named prepair (and possible likes)

Ken Arroyo Ohori G.A.K.ArroyoOhori at tudelft.nl
Fri Jun 6 11:46:30 PDT 2014

Hi Larry,

Maybe I’m mistaken here, but doesn’t Homebrew always compile from source? Because if so, I’d think that even the mostly statically linked binary would still need to download and install a Boost bottle (albeit one that creates a static version of the libraries).

But in any case, if it helps, I’d be happy to add the functionality to create mostly static versions of prepair to our CMake file, perhaps as a parameter.


El 06/06/2014, a las 08:33 p.m., Larry Shaffer <larrys at dakotacarto.com> escribió:

> Hi Ken,
> On Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 12:12 PM, Ken Arroyo Ohori <G.A.K.ArroyoOhori at tudelft.nl> wrote:
> Dear Larry,
> The prepair Mac binary was made by linking to static versions of CGAL, boost, GMP, GMPXX, MPFI and MPFR, and only linking dynamically to Kyngchaos’ GDAL framework. The idea was that if people use Kyngchaos’ QGIS package, they already have his GDAL framework since it is a requirement.
> For Homebrew, I think the solution in your formula is the right way to go. Linking statically to the other libraries wouldn’t make sense.
> The mostly statically built binary would help for Mac bundling based off of OSGeo4Mac within QGIS, where (currently) there is no dependency upon Boost, CGAL, etc. The Kyngchaos.com setup for stable is the standard, but the QGIS Mac nightlies will probably also soon offer ones built strictly off of OSGeo4Mac. I that case, it would be ideal to offer a Homebrew 'bottle' of prepair (~3.5 MB) that would only require the gdal formula. Then, users would not even have to download/install the Boost bottle (~77 MB), let alone compile it.
> Will look at how to do this, when it comes to that type of bundling.
> Thanks,
> Larry
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