[Qgis-developer] Just checking before upgrading weekly win64

Kari Salovaara kari.salovaara at pp1.inet.fi
Wed Mar 19 07:54:34 PDT 2014


good that nobody answered. Everything seems to be OK now.
I think that for some reason the upload was still hanging when I looked 
it (though I reloaded the page).


On 03/17/2014 10:16 PM, Kari Salovaara wrote:
> Hi,
> this is only a "safety" question on weekly win64 master version.
> I do weekly upgrade of weekly master version (today to one 
> of machines but I noticed the size is only 57M compared to normal ~184M?
> Is't broken or just the testing maps left away ? (I like to test with 
> Anita's book ;) )
> I haven't updated yet as not willing to test broken installations. ;)
> Cheers,
> Kari

Kari Salovaara
Hanko, Finland

"Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart." ~Elizabeth Andrew

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