[Qgis-developer] [Qgis-tr] size of translations, use a distinct repo?

Minoru Akagi akaginch at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 20:12:05 PDT 2014


2014-10-31 1:12 GMT+09:00 Werner Macho <werner.macho at gmail.com>:
> Other thing is that I think about only updating all translations in
> source only every two weeks (or probably only in front of a release)
> as the translation should be done in transifex anyway. And only
> updating the english source in transifex (and master of course).
> Pros: even smaller and less commits,
> Cons: Some translators often like to see "how it looks like" and I
> understand that from time to time you want to see if "it fits".
> What do you think about that?

We can download the latest ts file from Transifex and build it with Qt
Linguist or lrelease command. So just one time update of translation
files in GitHub before every release is enough for me. I use a batch
file (below) to build it, and then check the translation appearance
with the qgis-dev of OSGeo4W.

The message location information must be heavy for the git repository,
but it may be useful for translators. I use it to find the relevant
source code, for example, to know what string %1 is replaced with (is
it replaced with a number? layer name? or error message?). We can see
the name of context that a message is located, but it is not always
helpful to find the location of message. Without location information,
I'll find the source location using "search from files" function of
text editor, but it is not efficient way.

Is it possible to upload the source ts file with location information
to Transifex, and clean up location lines just before the translation
files are committed to the git repository?

### build_ts.bat
call C:\OSGeo4W64\bin\o4w_env.bat

SET TS_DIR=translations\QGIS.qgis-application
SET DEST=C:\OSGeo4W64\apps\qgis-dev\i18n\qgis_%TS_LANG%.qm

REM lrelease.exe is included in qt4-devel package of OSGeo4W
lrelease %TS_DIR%\%TS_LANG%.ts

REM backup original file
if not exist %DEST%.orig copy %DEST% %DEST%.orig

REM copy the built qm file
copy %TS_DIR%\%TS_LANG%.qm %DEST%



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