[Qgis-developer] Module dependencies

Nyall Dawson nyall.dawson at gmail.com
Tue Sep 23 03:56:19 PDT 2014

On 23/09/2014 8:44 pm, "Régis Haubourg" <regis.haubourg at eau-adour-garonne.fr>
> Hi all,
> I didn't mention the option to port Mem Layer saver to core for two
> - that doesn't solve the proble of general plugin dependencies
> - we already discussed how to port Mem Layer Saver to core on list, and
> ended up to the conclusion that we needed to modify qgs format from a xml
> text file to a zip container of project properties + datas + resources
> (symbols svg for instance)

Ahh, I wasn't aware of this earlier discussion, I'll look it up.

> Porting that plugin to core is allright to me, but we will make qgis the
> only soft to write data files along data project file, with high risks of
> data loss (because user will forget it or trash it). Do we really want it?

That's not entirely true - MapInfo saves data written into cosmetic layers
in its project (workspace) files. It's quite handy for quick
cartographic-only modifications to a map.

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