[Qgis-developer] Please check: I can't set selection color

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 08:46:37 PDT 2015


please check if it's a bug or my local problem... I can't change color
for selected features from GUI

I think the color for selected feature is set in:
project properties->general->selection color (I set it to green)

but when the feature is selected (linear o polygonal) it remain
yellow! also after saved the project and reloaded.

because of selection color is set in QgsMapSettings, seems there is
not relation with properties->general->selection configuration
parameter saved in the project.
QgsMapSettings are saved in qgis.ini file under Qgis section.

I'm on compiled 2.8.1, but the same happen in master code

Luigi Pirelli

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