[Qgis-developer] Improving ftools geoprocessing tools

Alexander Bruy alexander.bruy at gmail.com
Thu Oct 22 06:28:22 PDT 2015

Some time ago Carson ported at least some fTools
algorithms to QGIS analysis library. Maybe we can
revise this code, update it and then reuse in Processing
and 3rd party plugins?

Core implementation should be faster than Python code,
also maybe we can adopt multithreading approach for
some alforothms.

2015-10-22 14:30 GMT+03:00 João Gaspar <joao.f.r.gaspar at gmail.com>:
> Dear QGIS Developers,
> I'm writing on behalf of my employer, a company that has mixed,
> proprietary and open source (especially QGIS of course) gis
> infrastructure, with qgis being adopted each day a little more.
> Actually in our migration path we have found a road blocker: the very
> bad performances (and sometimes results) of most of geoprocessing
> tools in the vector menu. Yes I know that there are alternatives in
> the Processing toolbox, but that is not an option for most of our very
> basic users: they need to do simple operations (clips, unions,
> intersections, etc.) with usually very large/detailed vectors (usually
> shapefiles). In this scenario QGIS usually chokes or is at best very
> slow (compared to other gis packages, the ones we are trying to get
> rid of).
> What can be done to improve this tools? Rewriting the tools to improve
> efficiency and accuracy?
> We available some funds: this is the first time I convince people
> above me to put some money in QGIS development, and a decision would
> need to me made until the end of November tops, otherwise money will
> be used otherwise.
> Please leave advice and feedback.
> Regards
> João Gaspar
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Alexander Bruy

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