[Qgis-developer] SVG paths in print layout templates

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Mon Jun 13 02:44:53 PDT 2016

Il 13/06/2016 11:24, DelazJ ha scritto:
> Hi,
> If the folder /usr/share/qgis/svg/ itself is not accessible from Windows
> computer, there's no way to get it in QGIS, so not sure we can consider
> this as a QGIS bug. It's rather a matter of storage location.

Don't agree with this: the same file is certainly available in a
different, OS-specific, directory. QGIS normally take into account this,
quite effectively.
What is wrong here IMHO is to store an absolute, OS independent, path,
instead of a variable, OS specific, one, that gets replaced as most
appropriate for each system.

> I work with colleagues that use Windows or Mac computers and had
> problems with that. What I finally do is to put the svg folder on the
> network so that any computer can access these files and then configure
> QGIS to store relative paths (works for svg but also for shapefiles...).
> Then no more OS dependent problem to share projects .

Of course this work, but it’s a hack.

Thanks Harrissou for your opinion.
Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html

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