[QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3D and Globe plugin

Tisham Dhar tisham.dhar at aerometrex.com.au
Sun Dec 10 15:13:20 PST 2017

Hi All,

Just to throw my hat in the ring. I am very excited about the 3D pathway QGIS is embarking on and I am happy to support crowdfunding and provide code. I have written QT and GL enabled applications in openscenegraph for work purposes with OSGB outputs from our 3D city models. If anyone can see how to integrate this I would like to add OSGB/OpenScenegraph support in the 3D view.

Here is the manual showing some basic capabilities: https://aerometrex-my.sharepoint.com/personal/tisham_dhar_aerometrex_com_au/_layouts/15/guestaccess.aspx?docid=081dcdd99f7ca41f7947d097a30260d99&authkey=Af4G9PptUSzf2wwbgeajK64&e=43367f9bd64d4cc1a450f2d11416b922


Tisham Dhar
Research Engineer
Aerometrex PTY LTD
59 King William St.
Kent Town SA 5067

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