[QGIS-Developer] GSoC: Web API plugin dev versions available

Kevin Stadler e0425926 at student.tuwien.ac.at
Sun Jun 11 07:19:27 PDT 2017


just to let everyone know that development of the Web/Network API
plugin for QGIS Desktop (purpose described here
is now well underway. So far all commits have gone into the plugin
repository itself:

For those interested, the README contains instructions on how to
install/test the current development versions of the plugin. In
contrast to Barry Rowlingson's experimental 'pqgisr' R package
(https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-sig-geo/2016-August/024817.html) the
approach taken by the GSoC project separates the 'server' side (plugin
providing programming language-independent interface to QGIS
components+data) from 'client' implementations (e.g. an R package
making use of that interface).

For the first two weeks coding has been limited to the plugin side so
there isn't much ready-to-use functionality yet, however if anyone
would be interested in testing early client versions and has any
suggestions/requests on what components/functions I should focus on,
such feedback would be most welcome!

I'm currently developing the plugin against the QGIS 2 API, but with
QGIS 3 in mind for easier conversion later on.

For more details see my OSGeo Google Summer of Code weekly reports so far:


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