[QGIS-Developer] GDAL-OGR version

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Jun 20 04:28:08 PDT 2017

On mardi 20 juin 2017 13:09:00 CEST Yves Jacolin wrote:
> Hello,
> I built QGIS with gdal-ogr version 2.2 but I get a crash with this message:
> symbol lookup error: /home/yjacolin/Documents/Developpement/
> qgis_install_stable/lib/libqgis_core.so.2.18.9: undefined symbol:
> OGR_F_IsFieldSetAndNotNull
> Does QGIS 2.18.9 supports gdal 2.2?


The fact that you get this error message is a proof that latest QGIS 2.18 supports GDAL 2.2 ;-)

What likely happens here is that you have built QGIS against GDAL 2.2 header files, but at 
runtime an older libgdal is found. Check your PATH / LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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