[Qgis-developer] QGIS Resource Sharing - GSOC 2017 (?)

Borys Jurgiel lists at borysjurgiel.pl
Fri Mar 3 06:30:21 PST 2017

Dnia czwartek, 2 marca 2017 16:54:34 Akbar Gumbira pisze:
> - Making a unified sharing platform joining the plugin with
> Plugin Manager *taking a deep breath*. This quite scares me as the plugin
> manager has been running smoothly for years that probably no one has
> complained about it.

Although I believe you'll choose the automatic digitizing tool, as it's 
incomparable more interesting, I hope you'll find some time later this Spring 
to sit down together and make a small brainstorming how to join them in the 
future. The plugin manager is waiting for my holiday to get some refactoring 



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