[Qgis-developer] 3.0 Documentation and branching

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Sun Mar 5 13:55:58 PST 2017

On 05-03-17 15:28, Yves Jacolin wrote:
> Hello,
> As soon as we release the 2.18 we can start translation until the QGIS 3.0 
> release. So that's let some time for translator to work on this.

Yep, I agree. As soon as we have 2.18 LTR (or near LTR, I personally do
not care). We push 2.18 sources to transifex (in the same workspace as
we now do 2.16) and as long as we did not change the resource-uri's too
much, we keep most of translations.

Note that in transifex every sentence/paragraph actually has a 'key'
which is:
1) the resource key (name of the rst file)
2) the english source text

> Mathias is right: we can't handle two release atthe same time.

Theoretically we could create a second QGIS-Desktop project in
transifex, pull all translation from current project and push them to
the new branch. BUT that would mean parallel translation..
I think we do not have wo/man/power to translate two releases in parallel.

Transifex does just not have (for what we know) the tools to reuse

> About backport manager, yes it is not worth to have one if every documenter do 
> its backport.

So do I understand correct that people want to write docs for 3.0 in a
'fake'-3.0 branch, and the plan is then when master becomes really 3.0
all these changes will be cherry picked from that branch?
Because I think that will be hard to do.... given those branches will
divert from each other, and it is already pretty hard to have a good
overview as of where to place pieces of info.

But given that every new feature (which is commited with a 'FEATURE'
tag) has it's issue in the documentation issue tracker [0], why not add
information there? You can write full RST there, you can attache
images/screendumps etc etc.

If people (be it dev's or doc writers who are eager to dive into a new
feature) write there stuff there, it can be copied from there into the
rst of the docs as soon as we open up for 3.0 features.



[0] As an example: https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Documentation/issues/1723

> Y.
> Le dimanche 5 mars 2017, 00:53:53 CET Alexandre Neto a écrit :
>> Hi Mathias,
>> We only need to translate finished documentation. So I guess the next
>> candidate for translation would be 2.18 Documentation once it was released.
>> Richard is the guy that have it all wired up, I would like to hear from him
>> if there are any nasty implications of having two branches receiving
>> changes.
>> A sáb, 4/03/2017, 23:05, Matthias Kuhn <matthias at opengis.ch> escreveu:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Are there any specific plans how to handle translations?
>>> I don't think transifex can handle multiple branches (please proof me
>>> wrong!). So I guess a decision needs to be made from which branch
>>> updates should be pushed to transifex. Possibly the translated files can
>>> then be pulled into the other branch as well, but that sounds like
>>> advanced magic and a good portion of luck ;)
>>> Matthias
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