[Qgis-developer] Processing GUI integration

Paolo Cavallini cavallini at faunalia.it
Thu Mar 30 23:15:39 PDT 2017

Hi Nyall,

Il 30/03/2017 21:42, Nyall Dawson ha scritto:
>> get rid of the Processing menu altogether:
> I'm a -1 on this. I like the idea of integrating processing more
> strongly in the ui, but I think there's a strong need for a processing
> menu.

agreed in principle; currently however the menu is pretty useless,
replicating things available elsewhere, and adding history that as
Victor said could be better integrated in the panel.
what more flesh could we add here?

> There just isn't anywhere else that this stuff belongs in
> naturally, unless we add an "analysis" menu, and then it's effectively
> just a menu rename...

in this case it would be more of a Task menu, according to the vision of
Victor as exposed in his enlightening talk in Girona last year.

> I'd like to see a toolbar icon added for opening/closing this panel.


> Agreed. I'm hoping to get a chance in the near future to port
> QtCreator's locator bar to QGIS. It's a really nice implementation,
> where 3rd party plugins can hook in search providers and everything
> happens in background threads. If we added something like this we
> could integrate some native search providers like a layer search (am I
> the only one who often struggles to find layers in the layer tree in a
> complex project??) and processing algorithm search.
> Then plugins can take over and add address searching facilities using
> the various online facilities, native db searches, layer catalog
> searches, etc...

that would be great.

Thanks to all for comments.
Paolo Cavallini - www.faunalia.eu
QGIS & PostGIS courses: http://www.faunalia.eu/training.html

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