[Qgis-developer] Processing GUI integration

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Fri Mar 31 00:16:45 PDT 2017

On 30-03-17 23:42, Nyall Dawson wrote:
> Agreed. I'm hoping to get a chance in the near future to port
> QtCreator's locator bar to QGIS. It's a really nice implementation,
> where 3rd party plugins can hook in search providers and everything
> happens in background threads. If we added something like this we
> could integrate some native search providers like a layer search (am I
> the only one who often struggles to find layers in the layer tree in a
> complex project??) and processing algorithm search.

Hi Nyall,

that was something I had in mind when writing


Feel free to edit this one..

Do you have a locator bar example by hand?
I've been fiddling a little with widgets to create something like the
firefox search bar, but did not succeed yet...



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