[QGIS-Developer] Locator questions

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Tue Nov 7 06:53:38 PST 2017

On 07-11-17 14:47, Andreas Neumann wrote:
> Hi,
> I am starting to explore the new locator widget (the one in the bottom
> left in the status bar (thanks Nyall!)) and have some questions:
> My questions are around the feature filter of the active layer, prefixed
> with "f":
>   * In what attributes is it actually searching? In any attribute?
>   * Could I prefix in which attribute I want to search?
>   * What if I want to search in attributes that have a represent_value
>     (e.g. a relation reference widget) - meaning I don't want to search
>     for internal code, but human-readable values stored in another
>     table? I am specifically refering to the relation reference widget.
>   * How would I display the result of a non-spatial table? Could we, if
>     the layer is non-spatial, open the feature form when I click on a
>     result in the result list?
>   * Is there somewhere some documentation around how to best use the
>     locator (in general, not restricted to finding features)? I don't
>     think that everything is self-explanatory.
> Thanks for any information around the locator and maybe for some answers
> to my above questions!

Hi Andreas,

I've been looking around with it too, by first creating a locator for
our national geocoder-service (which has a suggest-service):


And added a nomatim-search after finding out how easy it was...


That is the minimal stuff you need (I think).

Install http://plugins.qgis.org/plugins/pdoklocator/

It is an experimental/temporary one, I want to remove it later.

I asked Nyall some questions some weeks ago some questions too:
And Nyall's answers:

For most questions the answer is:
yes you can implement what you want :-)

We could/should write a blog about it ...


Richard Duivenvoorde

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