November 2017 Archives by author
Starting: Wed Nov 1 01:30:10 PDT 2017
Ending: Thu Nov 30 23:18:15 PST 2017
Messages: 472
- [QGIS-Developer] Re : QGIS3D: Caching triangulation of terrain data
Jean-Roc Morreale (ml)
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Meeting #20 : 21-25 February 2018, Madeira
Vincent Picavet (ml)
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsServer and 3d tiles
Vincent Picavet (ml)
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsServer and 3d tiles
Vincent Picavet (ml)
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsServer and 3d tiles
Vincent Picavet (ml)
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsServer and 3d tiles
G. Allegri
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsServer and 3d tiles
G. Allegri
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsServer and 3d tiles
G. Allegri
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsServer and 3d tiles
G. Allegri
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsServer and 3d tiles
G. Allegri
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing Split with lines algorithm broken
G. Allegri
- [QGIS-Developer] Queries on building QGIS 3.
Tudor Barascu
- [QGIS-Developer] closestSegmentWithContext() with epsilon in Python
Radim Blazek
- [QGIS-Developer] closestSegmentWithContext() with epsilon in Python
Radim Blazek
- [QGIS-Developer] Crash when Python console is opened
Radim Blazek
- [QGIS-Developer] Why QgsPointXY is returned by asPoint()
Radim Blazek
- [QGIS-Developer] closestSegmentWithContext() with epsilon in Python
Radim Blazek
- [QGIS-Developer] Settings migration from QGIS 2 to 3
Stefan Blumentrath
- [QGIS-Developer] Windows QGIS Installer builds
Stefan Blumentrath
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error in processing on 2.99 startup
Stefan Blumentrath
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Francesc Boccacci
- [QGIS-Developer] GRASS r.walk
Paulo van Breugel
- [QGIS-Developer] Fwd: Re: [Qgis-psc] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Alexander Bruy
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Alexander Bruy
- [QGIS-Developer] Where can I find the Z-values?
Casper Børgesen
- [QGIS-Developer] Handy methods to Copy/Paste Features via QgisInterface
Germán Carrillo
- [QGIS-Developer] Does Polyline.intersects(Point) work in QGIS master?
Germán Carrillo
- [QGIS-Developer] Does Polyline.intersects(Point) work in QGIS master?
Germán Carrillo
- [QGIS-Developer] Does Polyline.intersects(Point) work in QGIS master?
Germán Carrillo
- [QGIS-Developer] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis: new sqlite layer - no records in attribute table
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Deleting Plugin Versions & Download Stats
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Import Python modules from another installed plugin, if present
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Import Python modules from another installed plugin, if present
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Import Python modules from another installed plugin, if present
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Flaky tests
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Convert from mapunits to pixels
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] discuss: What's our development gameplan for 3.0 and above?
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Convert from mapunits to pixels
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Convert from mapunits to pixels
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Convert from mapunits to pixels
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Parse project grid LineSymbol properties
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] CRS for GeoJson Data
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] CRS for GeoJson Data
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Detect OpenLayers layer in Python
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Detect OpenLayers layer in Python
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Detect OpenLayers layer in Python
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] Detect OpenLayers layer in Python
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] plugin size
Tom Chadwin
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-developer] Qt4->Qt5 timeline: Qt4's status and Qt4's webkit removal in Stretch
Sebastiaan Couwenberg
- [QGIS-Developer] Where can I find the Z-values?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] API Freeze for 3.0 (was "Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0")
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Request for freeze exemption: datum transform handling
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Soft freeze for QGIS 3.0
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes in qgsogrfeatureiterator.cpp:52 on master
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] discuss: What's our development gameplan for 3.0 and above?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes in qgsogrfeatureiterator.cpp:52 on master
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes in qgsogrfeatureiterator.cpp:52 on master
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] discuss: What's our development gameplan for 3.0 and above?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Convert from mapunits to pixels
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] QGis3: QgsLayerMetadata usage from QgsDataProvider to QgsMapLayer ?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] discuss: What's our development gameplan for 3.0 and above?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Raster reprojection during save
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Merging raster-save dialog change and Windows workflow
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing Split with lines algorithm broken
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Recordings from QGIS Australia Meetup 2017
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Compatibility between 2.99 project files and 2.18
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Refactor Fields: save and load mapping configuration
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS variables in Python code
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] QGIS Soft Feature Freeze Voting (was Re: QGIS 3 release expectations)
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] QGIS Soft Feature Freeze Voting (was Re: QGIS 3 release expectations)
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Does Polyline.intersects(Point) work in QGIS master?
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Nyall Dawson
- [QGIS-Developer] Locator questions
- [QGIS-Developer] Is the map preview in CRS selector dialog broken?
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] QGIS Soft Feature Freeze Voting (was Re: QGIS 3 release expectations)
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsServer and 3d tiles
Tisham Dhar
- [QGIS-Developer] Maintainer for qgsrasterprojector.cpp
Tisham Dhar
- [QGIS-Developer] Raster reprojection during save
Tisham Dhar
- [QGIS-Developer] Merging raster-save dialog change and Windows workflow
Tisham Dhar
- [QGIS-Developer] Merging raster-save dialog change and Windows workflow
Tisham Dhar
- [QGIS-Developer] Resample raster during save to file
Tisham Dhar
- [QGIS-Developer] loadLayerDefinition does not respect relative path from qlr file
René-Luc Dhont
- [QGIS-Developer] loadLayerDefinition does not respect relative path from qlr file
René-Luc Dhont
- [QGIS-Developer] loadLayerDefinition does not respect relative path from qlr file
René-Luc Dhont
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server request extra parameters as variables for expressions
René-Luc Dhont
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server request extra parameters as variables for expressions
René-Luc Dhont
- [QGIS-Developer] php-cgi not found after installing QGIS Server on Windows
René-Luc Dhont
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Filipe Dias
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Martin Dobias
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS3D: Caching triangulation of terrain data
Martin Dobias
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server plugins and thread safety
Martin Dobias
- [QGIS-Developer] Detect OpenLayers layer in Python
Martin Dobias
- [QGIS-Developer] wfs layers in browser tree wrong icon?
Martin Dobias
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Duplicate Features
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsDataProvider and caching: any defined behaviour?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Locator questions
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Import Python modules from another installed plugin, if present
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error on start up from GRASS processing
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] discuss: What's our development gameplan for 3.0 and above?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Windows QGIS Installer builds
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] using plugins from home directory
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] AppImage packaging of Qgis?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] WMST raster resampling is NOT resampling?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server request extra parameters as variables for expressions
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] all profile removed, still OWS connections, where stored?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] all profile removed, still OWS connections, where stored?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] No Debug info in Debian: FIXED
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] all provider keys lowercase
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] wfs layers in browser tree wrong icon?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] all profile removed, still OWS connections, where stored?
Richard Duivenvoorde
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] OTF layer reprojection not working in latest master ?
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] AppImage packaging of Qgis?
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] OTF layer reprojection not working in latest master ?
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] AppImage packaging of Qgis?
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Compatibility between 2.99 project files and 2.18
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Compatibility between 2.99 project files and 2.18
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Patrick Dunford
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server test on Windows 2016 server.
Mats Elfström
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3 Server on Windows Server platform (2012 and 2016)
Mats Elfström
- [QGIS-Developer] Convert from mapunits to pixels
Enrico Ferreguti
- [QGIS-Developer] Convert from mapunits to pixels
Enrico Ferreguti
- [QGIS-Developer] Convert from mapunits to pixels
Enrico Ferreguti
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Meeting #20 : 21-25 February 2018, Madeira
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] Install QGIS 2.18 LTR on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis: new sqlite layer - no records in attribute table
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS custom widgets badly placed in Osgeo4W install
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS custom widgets badly placed in Osgeo4W install
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] Merging raster-save dialog change and Windows workflow
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Jürgen E. Fischer
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing Split with lines algorithm broken
Anita Graser
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Anita Graser
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Anita Graser
- [QGIS-Developer] Deleting Plugin Versions & Download Stats
Akbar Gumbira
- [QGIS-Developer] Proper way to create polygons in PyQGIS
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Proper way to create polygons in PyQGIS
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Deleting Plugin Versions & Download Stats
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Rendering of Icons
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 2.18.14 - Raster Save As to New CRS Failed
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] How to call add feature attributes dialog from a plugin
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] How to call add feature attributes dialog from a plugin
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] CRS for GeoJson Data
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] CRS for GeoJson Data
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] CRS for GeoJson Data
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin Lat Lon Tools 0.9.7 Update
C Hamilton
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] Request for freeze exemption: datum transform handling
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsDataProvider and caching: any defined behaviour?
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] relation reference widget "on map identification" missing?
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] What are qgd files?
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] Refactor Fields: save and load mapping configuration
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] Refactor Fields: save and load mapping configuration
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] Refactor Fields: save and load mapping configuration
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] all profile removed, still OWS connections, where stored?
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] all profile removed, still OWS connections, where stored?
Régis Haubourg
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Yves Jacolin
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Yves Jacolin
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Yves Jacolin
- [QGIS-Developer] QGis3: QgsLayerMetadata usage from QgsDataProvider to QgsMapLayer ?
Mark Johnson
- [QGIS-Developer] Minimum SpatiaLite version 4.2
Mark Johnson
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Borys Jurgiel
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Borys Jurgiel
- [QGIS-Developer] A strange tooltip for GeoPackage's Create spatial index
Borys Jurgiel
- [QGIS-Developer] A strange tooltip for GeoPackage's Create spatial index
Borys Jurgiel
- [QGIS-Developer] Detect OpenLayers layer in Python
Pirmin Kalberer
- [QGIS-Developer] CRS for GeoJson Data
Stefan Keller
- [QGIS-Developer] Rendering of Icons
Peter King
- [QGIS-Developer] MetaSearch provider connections in master
Tom Kralidis
- [QGIS-Developer] MetaSearch provider connections in master
Tom Kralidis
- [QGIS-Developer] MetaSearch provider connections in master
Tom Kralidis
- [QGIS-Developer] MetaSearch provider connections in master
Tom Kralidis
- [QGIS-Developer] MetaSearch provider connections in master
Tom Kralidis
- [QGIS-Developer] using plugins from home directory
Tom Kralidis
- [QGIS-Developer] Proper way to create polygons in PyQGIS
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Duplicate Features
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Fields and forms refactoring
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Fwd: Re: [Qgis-psc] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] PSA: Developer docs for debugging python unit tests
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Nose2 0.7.0 breaking Travis coverage test
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Import Python modules from another installed plugin, if present
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Flaky tests
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Minimum SpatiaLite version 4.2
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Qt4 Designer - custom widgets - Manjaro
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] AppImage packaging of Qgis?
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Editing buffer and commitChanges order
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error on start up from GRASS processing
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] Refactor Fields: save and load mapping configuration
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server request extra parameters as variables for expressions
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server request extra parameters as variables for expressions
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] closestSegmentWithContext() with epsilon in Python
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3 getComposerItemById should return subclassed item
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] A strange tooltip for GeoPackage's Create spatial index
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] A strange tooltip for GeoPackage's Create spatial index
Matthias Kuhn
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis: new sqlite layer - no records in attribute table
Martin Landa
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis: new sqlite layer - no records in attribute table
Martin Landa
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis: new sqlite layer - no records in attribute table
Martin Landa
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis: new sqlite layer - no records in attribute table
Martin Landa
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis: adding features to SQLite layer
Martin Landa
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error in processing on 2.99 startup
Salvatore Larosa
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error in processing on 2.99 startup
Salvatore Larosa
- [QGIS-Developer] Install QGIS 2.18 LTR on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Walter Lorenzetti
- [QGIS-Developer] Install QGIS 2.18 LTR on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.
Walter Lorenzetti
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Walter Lorenzetti
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Walter Lorenzetti
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Walter Lorenzetti
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Walter Lorenzetti
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Walter Lorenzetti
- [QGIS-Developer] AppImage packaging of Qgis?
Luca Manganelli
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server plugins and thread safety
David Marteau
- [QGIS-Developer] php-cgi not found after installing QGIS Server on Windows
Aitor Gil Martin
- [QGIS-Developer] php-cgi not found after installing QGIS Server on Windows
Aitor Gil Martin
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server request extra parameters as variables for expressions
Arnaud Morvan
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server request extra parameters as variables for expressions
Arnaud Morvan
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server request extra parameters as variables for expressions
Arnaud Morvan
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Luiz Motta
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing Split with lines algorithm broken
Alexandre Neto
- [QGIS-Developer] How to call add feature attributes dialog from a plugin
Alexandre Neto
- [QGIS-Developer] Scalable and themable cursor icons for all screen DPIs
Alexandre Neto
- [QGIS-Developer] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Fields and forms refactoring
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS3D: Caching triangulation of terrain data
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Locator questions
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Locator questions
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] OTF layer reprojection not working in latest master ?
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] What are qgd files?
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS variables in Python code
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] What are qgd files?
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Refactor Fields: save and load mapping configuration
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Refactor Fields: save and load mapping configuration
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS variables in Python code
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Andreas Neumann
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Meeting #20 : 20-25 February 2018, Madeira
Raymond Nijssen
- [QGIS-Developer] Settings migration from QGIS 2 to 3
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Fwd: Re: [Qgis-psc] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Server and authentication tests not running on Travis
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Travis timeout
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Flaky tests
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] discuss: What's our development gameplan for 3.0 and above?
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] discuss: What's our development gameplan for 3.0 and above?
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] MetaSearch provider connections in master
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] MetaSearch provider connections in master
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] MetaSearch provider connections in master
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] MetaSearch provider connections in master
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server plugins and thread safety
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server plugins and thread safety
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Editing buffer and commitChanges order
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Editing buffer and commitChanges order
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Scalable and themable cursor icons for all screen DPIs
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Bookmarks severely broken. Unusable?
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Alessandro Pasotti
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Mathieu Pellerin
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Mathieu Pellerin
- [QGIS-Developer] Raster reprojection during save
Mathieu Pellerin
- [QGIS-Developer] Refactor Fields: save and load mapping configuration
Mathieu Pellerin
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] QGIS Soft Feature Freeze Voting (was Re: QGIS 3 release expectations)
Mathieu Pellerin
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Mathieu Pellerin
- [QGIS-Developer] QEP for QgisQuick 1.0 (QML Component Plugin)
Peter Petrik
- [QGIS-Developer] Queries on building QGIS 3.
Ben Hur Pintor
- [QGIS-Developer] Queries on building QGIS 3.
Ben Hur Pintor
- [QGIS-Developer] Queries on building QGIS 3.
Ben Hur Pintor
- [QGIS-Developer] PSA: Developer docs for debugging python unit tests
Luigi Pirelli
- [QGIS-Developer] discuss: What's our development gameplan for 3.0 and above?
Luigi Pirelli
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server plugins and thread safety
Luigi Pirelli
- [QGIS-Developer] GRASS r.walk
Joshua Quesenberry
- [QGIS-Developer] GRASS r.walk
Joshua Quesenberry
- [QGIS-Developer] GRASS r.walk
Joshua Quesenberry
- [QGIS-Developer] GRASS Natural Hazard Tools
Joshua Quesenberry
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Zhang Qun
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Zhang Qun
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Zhang Qun
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Zhang Qun
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Zhang Qun
- [QGIS-Developer] Deploy plugin by setting QGIS_PLUGINPATH
Zhang Qun
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error on start up from GRASS processing
Médéric Ribreux
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsJsonUtils usage to import data from an Android app
Andrea Rossi
- [QGIS-Developer] Flaky tests
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes in qgsogrfeatureiterator.cpp:52 on master
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes in qgsogrfeatureiterator.cpp:52 on master
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes in qgsogrfeatureiterator.cpp:52 on master
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Crashes in qgsogrfeatureiterator.cpp:52 on master
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] On the danger of static C++ objects
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] CRS for GeoJson Data
Even Rouault
- [QGIS-Developer] Fwd: Re: [Qgis-psc] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Denis Rouzaud
- [QGIS-Developer] Fields and forms refactoring
Denis Rouzaud
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS custom widgets badly placed in Osgeo4W install
Denis Rouzaud
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS custom widgets badly placed in Osgeo4W install
Denis Rouzaud
- [QGIS-Developer] Qt4 Designer - custom widgets - Manjaro
Denis Rouzaud
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3 getComposerItemById should return subclassed item
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3 getComposerItemById should return subclassed item
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3 getComposerItemById should return subclassed item
- [QGIS-Developer] Nose2 0.7.0 breaking Travis coverage test
Larry Shaffer
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error in processing on 2.99 startup
Larry Shaffer
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error in processing on 2.99 startup
Larry Shaffer
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS-Server on Windows with IIS - missing methods in dlls
Stefan Steiger
- [QGIS-Developer] php-cgi not found after installing QGIS Server on Windows
Stefan Steiger
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Bernhard Ströbl
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Bernhard Ströbl
- [QGIS-Developer] Authentication seems broken in master
Bernhard Ströbl
- [QGIS-Developer] Convert from mapunits to pixels
Michel Stuyts
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS variables in Python code
Ismail Sunni
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Meeting #20 : 21-25 February 2018, Madeira
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Soft freeze for QGIS 3.0
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Soft freeze for QGIS 3.0
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error on start up from GRASS processing
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error on start up from GRASS processing
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] On the danger of static C++ objects
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Recordings from QGIS Australia Meetup 2017
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] QGIS Soft Feature Freeze Voting (was Re: QGIS 3 release expectations)
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] QGIS Soft Feature Freeze Voting (was Re: QGIS 3 release expectations)
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error in processing on 2.99 startup
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error in processing on 2.99 startup
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Python error in processing on 2.99 startup
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] plugin size
Tim Sutton
- [QGIS-Developer] Rendering of Icons
Robert Szczepanek
- [QGIS-Developer] Signal Categorized renderer
Wondimagegn Tesfaye
- [QGIS-Developer] Signal Categorized renderer
Wondimagegn Tesfaye
- [QGIS-Developer] CRS for GeoJson Data
Etienne Trimaille
- [QGIS-Developer] Detect OpenLayers layer in Python
Etienne Trimaille
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3 getComposerItemById should return subclassed item
Etienne Trimaille
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS 3 getComposerItemById should return subclassed item
Etienne Trimaille
- [QGIS-Developer] Queries on building QGIS 3.
Etienne Trimaille
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing modeler GUI unusable in KDE / Plasma
Etienne Trimaille
- [QGIS-Developer] Qgis with ubuntgis dependancy broken
Angelos Tzotsos
- [QGIS-Developer] Travis timeout
Patrick Valsecchi
- [QGIS-Developer] Travis timeout
Patrick Valsecchi
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS Server request extra parameters as variables for expressions
Patrick Valsecchi
- [QGIS-Developer] Qt4 Designer - custom widgets - Manjaro
Anjo Weichbrodt
- [QGIS-Developer] Qt4 Designer - custom widgets - Manjaro
Anjo Weichbrodt
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS crashes when installing plugin created with the plugin builder
Anjo Weichbrodt
- [QGIS-Developer] Feature freeze: Paid developer activities for QGIS 3.0
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] [Qgis-psc] PROPOSAL: change how we manage the 3.0 release process
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] Soft freeze for QGIS 3.0
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] discuss: What's our development gameplan for 3.0 and above?
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS custom widgets badly placed in Osgeo4W install
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing Split with lines algorithm broken
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] QGIS-Server on Windows with IIS - missing methods in dlls
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] all profile removed, still OWS connections, where stored?
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] all profile removed, still OWS connections, where stored?
Nathan Woodrow
- [QGIS-Developer] Qt4 Designer - custom widgets - Manjaro
- [QGIS-Developer] Preview job and slow datasources
- [QGIS-Developer] missing *load* button in raster style?
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing Split with lines algorithm broken
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing Split with lines algorithm broken
- [QGIS-Developer] Processing "Create layer from extent" missing output
- [QGIS-Developer] plugin size
- [QGIS-Developer] plugin size
- [QGIS-Developer] plugin size
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [648] Search & format EPSG CRS Plugin approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [748] Load QSS - UI themes approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1163] Plugin Load Times approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [791] CLUZ approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [849] AmigoCloud approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1353] Search Layers approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1352] Beeline approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1352] Beeline unapproval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1352] Beeline approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1354] PisteCreator approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1355] QRealTime approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1066] Isogeo approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1086] SEC4QGIS approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1246] go2mapillary approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1102] AequilibraE approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1356] ZoomToBelgium approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1341] AGRC Geocoding Toolbox approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1072] wps4server approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [849] AmigoCloud approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1356] ZoomToBelgium approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1287] qpals approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1356] ZoomToBelgium approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1236] ICSM NTv2 Transformer approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1364] UMEP approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1355] QRealTime approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1109] Datafordeler approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1160] Go2NextFeature approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1360] LocalizadorCatastral approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1145] ClusterPoints approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [638] Processing Workflows approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1350] Mascaret approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [618] Processing BEAM and SNAP algorithm Provider approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [829] d3 Map Renderer approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1364] UMEP approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [829] d3 Map Renderer approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1365] AttributeTransfer approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1287] qpals-nightly approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1287] qpals approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [420] Video Uav Tracker approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [385] pgRoutingLayer approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1152] QgisODK approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1070] J.Assy - Mapa de Plantio approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [500] Vgi2Shp approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1370] SentinelHub approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1370] SentinelHub approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1354] PisteCreator approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] Plugin [1366] GB Elevation approval notification.
noreply at
- [QGIS-Developer] QgsVectorXD vs QVectorXD
lbartoletti at
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis ImportError: DLL load failed: ─ίΊ ▐ΪάΊ ϊΫΊάΪⁿ Ίά ίΊΪΎΏώ≤Ϊί▀ ύ ΆάϋΎ±ώ≤Ή▌Ίύ ΈίώΪ
- [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis ImportError: DLL load failed: ─ίΊ ▐ΪάΊ ϊΫΊάΪⁿ Ίά ίΊΪΎΏώ≤Ϊί▀ ύ ΆάϋΎ±ώ≤Ή▌Ίύ ΈίώΪ
Last message date:
Thu Nov 30 23:18:15 PST 2017
Archived on: Thu Nov 30 23:19:44 PST 2017
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).