[QGIS-Developer] PSA: Developer docs for debugging python unit tests

Luigi Pirelli luipir at gmail.com
Sat Nov 4 14:42:42 PDT 2017

great, I was just writing two new python tests

I'll give a look to your addition

Luigi Pirelli

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On 3 November 2017 at 14:52, Matthias Kuhn <matthias at opengis.ch> wrote:
> Fellow developers,
> we all spend our precious time on writing unit tests. And we want to do
> this as efficiently as possible.
> One thing that can really kill fun is if a python unit test segfaults.
> Mainly because there is no hint by default, where to start looking for
> what's gone wrong.
> I just drafted a new section in the developer docs, how to run python
> unit tests from within QtCreator, to help you spend less time on
> debugging python tests and have more time on writing additional tests.
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Website/pull/479/files
> Any feedback and improvement welcome.
> Thanks
> Matthias
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