[QGIS-Developer] Merging raster-save dialog change and Windows workflow

Tisham Dhar tisham.dhar at aerometrex.com.au
Tue Nov 14 17:02:48 PST 2017

Hi All,

I have been experimenting with pre-commit hook workflows on Windows and after a few iterations I have this procedure to combine building in MSVC and pushing to git with pre-commit hooks.

1)      Checkout as standard on windows with git-bash (line endings are an issue). Will have to try a fresh clone in WLS to see what difference it makes

2)      Make pre-commit hook hardlink

3)      Add scripts to git-bash path

4)      Install Astyle binary into git-bash path somewhere

5)      Install activestate perl and ppm install YAML::Tiny

6)      Commit as usual with git

1)      I also tried WLS , line ending are less of an issue here and Travis may be happier

2)      Install astyle 3.xx from source, stock astyle is 2.xx

3)      Install dos2unix

4)      Install cpanminus and cpanm YAML::Tiny

5)      Pre-commit hook setup should work fine from here in.


I have a chain of un-squashed commits here - https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/5611 . May be worth cancelling the pull and remaking my changes. Let me know and I will make it cleaner in the future.

Tisham Dhar
Research Engineer
Aerometrex PTY LTD
59 King William St.
Kent Town SA 5067

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