[QGIS-Developer] Future of OSM integration

Hugo Mercier hugo.mercier at oslandia.com
Thu Oct 12 05:52:39 PDT 2017

On 12/10/2017 14:27, Stefan Keller wrote:
> 2017-10-12 11:43 GMT+02:00 Hugo Mercier <hugo.mercier at oslandia.com>:
>> On 12/10/2017 11:30, Stefan Keller wrote:
> ...
>> Support for hstore columns in qgis 3 for example could be reused in some
> Yes, I'm excited to hear that hstore type is part of QGIS 3.
>> And we would have to find a smart way to handle OSM relations.
> Agreed. BUT: there is still the topology to handle:
> Importers convert certain ways and relations to lines and polygons
> and throw away the node-id just keeping the coordinates/support points.
> How would you store these node-ids?

If I had a RDBMS, I'll use editable views for that. On-the-fly
geometries generated from nodes, ways and relations and triggers to make
sure the whole topology is always respected.

I don't have a solid solution yet, but virtual layers and/or geometry
generators and/or a SQLite db may be a base for a first implementation.

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