[QGIS-Developer] pyqgis - layer.saveDefaultStyle() for PostGIS layers
Matthias Kuhn
matthias at opengis.ch
Tue Sep 26 06:07:54 PDT 2017
For 2.18 it should be ok to make it /InOut/ (there was no return value
before, so it shouldn't break anything).
For 3.0 this can be made /Out/ as proposed.
On 09/26/2017 12:06 PM, Luigi Pirelli wrote:
> there is a SIP specification error
> https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/blob/release-2_18/python/core/qgsvectorlayer.sip#L492
> should be QString &msgError /out/ );
> that's the reason that error is not returned in the python side => I
> suppose SIP would change C++ api in:
> msg = saveStyleToDatabase( name, description, useAsDefault, uiFileContent)
> Luigi Pirelli
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> On 25 September 2017 at 16:21, kimaidou <kimaidou at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I have tried another method
>> * first add default style into DB via UI -> it works
>> * the use console to create a new, not default, style
>> msg = ''
>> layer.saveStyleToDatabase( "a new style", "some description", False, None,
>> msg );
>> It does not work (not new line created, and msg remains empty. No log in the
>> database, which means NO query has been sent (I have change postgresql
>> config to log all requests).
>> But the following method works
>> layer.listStylesInDatabase()
>> And a new line appears in the postgresql log
>> 2017-09-25 16:19:18.248 CEST [8984] mdouchin at qgis LOG: 00000: duration:
>> 0.217 ms statement: SELECT id,styleName,description FROM layer_styles WHERE
>> NOT (f_table_catalog='qgis' AND f_table_schema='sup' AND
>> f_table_name='geo_commune' AND f_geometry_column='geom') ORDER BY
>> update_time DESC
>> It seems the method saveStyleToDatabase returns with no error, which can be
>> caused by 2 reasons
>> https://qgis.org/api/2.18/qgsvectorlayer_8cpp_source.html#l04347
>> 4369 this->exportNamedStyle( qmlDocument, msgError );
>> 4370 if ( !msgError.isNull() )
>> 4371 {
>> 4372 return;
>> 4373 }
>> 4374 qmlStyle = qmlDocument.toString();
>> 4375
>> 4376 this->exportSldStyle( sldDocument, msgError );
>> 4377 if ( !msgError.isNull() )
>> 4378 {
>> 4379 return;
>> 4380 }
>> /me investigates
>> 2017-09-25 15:50 GMT+02:00 Jorge Gustavo Pereira Bastos Rocha
>> <jgr at di.uminho.pt>:
>>> Hi,
>>> It already happened to me. The first user to save a style became the owner
>>> of the table. No other users were able to write on the layer_style table,
>>> because there were DEFAULT PRIVILEGES defined.
>>> Can you check the postgrsql log to see if there is any problem related
>>> with permissions?
>>> Regards,
>>> Jorge Gustavo
>>> ________________________________________
>>> De: QGIS-Developer [qgis-developer-bounces at lists.osgeo.org] em nome de
>>> kimaidou [kimaidou at gmail.com]
>>> Enviado: 25 de Setembro de 2017 14:23
>>> Para: Luigi Pirelli
>>> Cc: qgis-developer at lists.osgeo.org
>>> Assunto: Re: [QGIS-Developer] pyqgis - layer.saveDefaultStyle() for
>>> PostGIS layers
>>> Hi,
>>> @ Tom : I really would like to trust QGIS method instead of managing
>>> manually different providers.
>>> @ Luigi
>>> No error message, even worse : i got a message telling everything went
>>> well ;)
>>> layer.saveDefaultStyle()
>>> (u'The style dbname=\'qgis\' host=localhost port=5432 user=\'mdouchin\'
>>> sslmode=disable key=\'ogc_fid\' estimatedmetadata=true srid=2154
>>> type=MultiPolygon table="sup"."geo_commune" (geom) sql= was updated in the
>>> database.', True)
>>> But the line is not created in the layer_styles table.
>>> Michaƫl
>>> 2017-09-25 14:48 GMT+02:00 Luigi Pirelli
>>> <luipir at gmail.com<mailto:luipir at gmail.com>>:
>>> from the code:
>>> mLayer->saveStyleToDatabase and mLayer->saveDefaultStyle
>>> and in
>>> QString QgsMapLayer::saveDefaultStyle( bool & theResultFlag )
>>> {
>>> return saveNamedStyle( styleURI(), theResultFlag );
>>> }
>>> => seems you are doing correct.
>>> any log message?
>>> ******************************************
>>> void QgsVectorLayerProperties::saveDefaultStyle_clicked()
>>> {
>>> apply();
>>> QString errorMsg;
>>> if ( mLayer->dataProvider()->isSaveAndLoadStyleToDBSupported() )
>>> {
>>> QMessageBox askToUser;
>>> askToUser.setText( tr( "Save default style to: " ) );
>>> askToUser.setIcon( QMessageBox::Question );
>>> askToUser.addButton( tr( "Cancel" ), QMessageBox::RejectRole );
>>> askToUser.addButton( tr( "Local database" ), QMessageBox::NoRole );
>>> askToUser.addButton( tr( "Datasource database" ), QMessageBox::YesRole
>>> );
>>> switch ( askToUser.exec() )
>>> {
>>> case 0:
>>> return;
>>> case 2:
>>> mLayer->saveStyleToDatabase( "", "", true, "", errorMsg );
>>> if ( errorMsg.isNull() )
>>> {
>>> return;
>>> }
>>> break;
>>> default:
>>> break;
>>> }
>>> }
>>> bool defaultSavedFlag = false;
>>> errorMsg = mLayer->saveDefaultStyle( defaultSavedFlag );
>>> if ( !defaultSavedFlag )
>>> {
>>> QMessageBox::warning( this, tr( "Default Style" ), errorMsg );
>>> }
>>> }
>>> Luigi Pirelli
>>> **************************************************************************************************
>>> * Boundless QGIS Support/Development: lpirelli AT boundlessgeo DOT com
>>> * LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luigipirelli
>>> * Stackexchange: http://gis.stackexchange.com/users/19667/luigi-pirelli
>>> * GitHub: https://github.com/luipir
>>> * Mastering QGIS 2nd Edition:
>>> *
>>> https://www.packtpub.com/big-data-and-business-intelligence/mastering-qgis-second-edition
>>> **************************************************************************************************
>>> On 25 September 2017 at 13:44, Tom Chadwin
>>> <tom.chadwin at nnpa.org.uk<mailto:tom.chadwin at nnpa.org.uk>> wrote:
>>>> Perhaps you have to do it manually via a PostGIS query matching
>>>> f_table_catalog, f_table_schema, and f_table_name, and updating styleqml
>>>> and
>>>> stylesld?
>>>> Tom
>>>> -----
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