[QGIS-Developer] QgsLocator & common python libs
Luigi Pirelli
luipir at gmail.com
Wed Apr 4 14:31:54 PDT 2018
common-qgis-python like that we created in Boundless when we where there
[1] had this intention:
1) create a set of common snippets
2) centralize maintenance
3) avoid re implement common problems (rised during dev for that specific
the main problems I see are:
1) I would feel confortable if repo [1] would be out of control of a
private company.
My option would be:
1) move to QGIS repo
2) manage any new snippet or module using an Enhancement Proposal (QEP)
Not clear to me the advantages of using a separate repo added via submodule.
Luigi Pirelli
[1] https://github.com/boundlessgeo/lib-qgis-commons
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On 4 April 2018 at 21:59, Tim Sutton <tim at kartoza.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Thats really cool Richard. What about tweaking the plugin builder plugin
> to provide a new template for a locator plugin. That way the locator basic
> framework could be provided but we could keep the plugins discrete?
> Regards
> Tim
> On 04 Apr 2018, at 21:06, Richard Duivenvoorde <rdmailings at duif.net>
> wrote:
> Devs & Python devs,
> I've written one plugin, which when installed adds 3 QLocator filters to
> your little search-bar in the lower left corner of QGIS3:
> - a Nominatim geocoder/filter
> - a Google geocoder/filter
> - a PDOK (dutch) geocoder/filter
> The use of these geocoders/locators in QGIS is REALLY usefull, just
> search for 'eiffel', and google will let you zoom to the eiffeltower
> (even being written in dutch, french or german....)
> The nominatim geocoder is also great, and the dutch geocoder can fly
> over NL with just a zip+housenumber.
> Code is here:
> https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/qgislocator
> Plugin zip to install is here:
> https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/qgislocator/raw/
> master/qgislocator_0.1.1.zip
> Now my main point: I discussed this with Nyall, if we should create a
> mega-locator-plugin or keep the locator filter/plugins small.
> Adding a geocoder to the current form is easy: just reimplement a filter
> (see locatorfilters) for your national geocoder service, and you are done.
> The advantage of having ONE mega-plugin:
> - it is easy to have some 'basefilter' in which to have some common coce
> - having one plugin, forces devs to use QgsNetworkRequest (here via
> Alessandro's QgsNetworkAccessManager. So no more use of httplib2,
> Requests etc which fail on proxied environments if not fully implemented).
> BUT, it is probably better if we split up all the possible
> locatorfilters (not everybody on the world is interested in dutch
> addresses :-) ...
> So my main point:
> - how to give everybody the possibilty to implement a locator class, BUT
> also share a common base class or use the same QgsNetworkAccessManager
> moduel?
> Some options:
> - we create a separate repo for 'common' python classes, and via git
> submodules everybody pulls in it's own copy of those classes
> - we create a common-qgis-python module which would ship with QGIS (with
> filterbaseclass, QgsNetworkAccessManager, and other ideas from the
> Boundless commons lib).
> Let me know any opinions/ideas.
> Regards,
> Richard Duivenvoorde
> PS, wannatry? Download
> https://github.com/rduivenvoorde/qgislocator/raw/
> master/qgislocator_0.1.1.zip
> and use Install from ZIP in the plugin manager. Use '2022zj' to search
> PDOK, or 'eiffel' to search Google. Note that you may need a google key
> to use their geocoder.
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> *Tim Sutton*
> *Co-founder:* Kartoza
> *Project chair:* QGIS.org
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