[QGIS-Developer] Status of the QGIS homebrew tap?

Kristian Evers kreve at sdfe.dk
Sun Apr 8 03:25:08 PDT 2018


What is the status of the QGIS homebrew tap [0]? The last commit seems to be back in November.
I guess whoever was in charge of this has lost interest? Or it has been discontinued for reasons
not obvious to me. Several pull requests has been submitted over the last few months so it would
seem that there at least is a market for this. I could certainly use a simple(r) way of building QGIS
on OS X using Homebrew. I am not super familiar with the inner workings of either QGIS or
Homebrew but if there is a need for a new maintainer of the QGIS tap I would like to volunteer to
at least bring it up to speed again and curate contributions from the community.


[0] https://github.com/qgis/homebrew-qgisdev
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