[QGIS-Developer] Alternative for python 'request' library in QGIS

Richard Duivenvoorde rdmailings at duif.net
Tue Dec 11 23:14:25 PST 2018

On 12/12/18 5:55 AM, shiva reddy wrote:
> Hi,
> I have used 'requests'  library to access web resources in my plugin.
> I am wondering if I should  migrate to  any QGIS core library instead ?
> If yes would appreciate getting any  cheat sheet.

Hi Shiva,

there is no python core lib yet, but I often pull the
Boundles/Alessandro/Luigi's one from here:


For now I copy it in my plugins, but I'm very much in favour of adding
some python core/common libs to QGIS so everybody uses the same/right
way of doing http(s) stuff (meaning: using the proxy from settings etc)


Richard Duivenvoorde

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