[QGIS-Developer] prevent deletion
Luigi Pirelli
luipir at gmail.com
Thu Feb 22 03:48:11 PST 2018
or just look for the delete actionbutton and disable it
Luigi Pirelli
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2018-02-22 11:47 GMT+00:00 Luigi Pirelli <luipir at gmail.com>:
> beforeCommit signal and managing edit buffer before real commit can be
> a solution?
> another is to modify the edit buffer attaching to the featureDeleted signal...
> do you need a beforeDelete signal?
> Luigi Pirelli
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> 2018-02-22 10:40 GMT+00:00 Poltini Roberto <Roberto.Poltini at gruppoiren.it>:
>> Hi Devs,
>> if there are some selected objects and a user press del button the
>> selected object wiil be deleted.
>> Is it possible to prevent deletion using a python plugin ?
>> When my maptool is active I don’t want this qgis function is active.
>> Thanks
>> Roberto
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