[QGIS-Developer] map_id variable of 3d view?

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at carto.net
Fri Jan 12 13:49:32 PST 2018


There is a variable called @map_id - which is 'canvas' for the main QGIS 
map canvas. In map composer it can have a user-defined id. I wonder, 
what is the map_id of a 3D canvas? And what are the map_ids of 
additional 2D canvases besides the main one?

The reason I ask is that I want to create symbology rules for 2d only. 
The same symbology rule should be supressed in the 3d view, because in 
3d there are other representations (cylinder, spheres, models). So I 
thought I could make a symbology rule that says "@map_id != '3dcanvas'"

Thanks for your help,


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