[QGIS-Developer] Translation state of master

Borys Jurgiel lists at borysjurgiel.pl
Mon Jan 15 12:47:44 PST 2018

Werner, Harrissou, 

Thanks a lot for the clarification. Werner, I was bothering you about it so 
many times - why didn't you ever tell me how it works? :D Another funny thing 
is I never realized the nightly builds are translated - it seems I was so sure 
they aren't...

Just tested with nightly and weekly - it really works! Sorry for the buzz.

> hmm,
> maybe we should clean out the i18n subtree on github so that it is more
> obvious that you have to pull the translations..

It would cut the confusion and it would also supress git-status notifying 
about a modified file (either the .ts or .gitignore). As I understand, when a 
new release branch is created (2.16, 3.0, 3.2...; the 2.18 was exceptional), 
translations are pulled from Transifex anyway, so removing them from master 
will only simplify the situation, and won't cause any side effects.  

> Personally, I'm not sure I'd have come to QGIS contributions if it was
> still using Linguist or any developer oriented tool. I joined QGIS
> contributor as a translator because Transifex looked easy and user-friendly
> and didn't need a particular client installation. I'm not sure GitHub is
> easier despite recent discussion (and anyway it's not possible to translate
> in its web interface) nor Qt Linguist attracts more people.

Well, my personal feelings are completely opposite... I find Linguist a nice 
wysiwyg tool (with its GUI previews), while Transifex requires so much effort 
and skills to fix any single typo. First, its GUI is so unfriendly and slow 
that I'm forced to manually type URLs whenever possible, e.g. for searching. 
Second, if I want to translate anything, I have to copy the string origin to 
clipboard, open a file manager, find the source file, the line and finally 
guess its context. Of course most people don't do it, but it just moves the 
labour to a person who will fix their mistake.

It's just my 2 cents to express the Transifex superiority isn't unanimous - of 
course I've reconciled with the fact we need to live with it :)


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